Chapter 8

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Abbie's +POV+

After eating breakfast with the boys we went and sat in the couch in the massive living room.

"What are we gonna do toady?" I asked.

"We are going to take you to the mall to get you new clothes and then we are going to Starbucks." Jonah said smiling.

"No it's ok you guys spent to much money on me already." I said.

"We are going." Dad said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm the dad and you s\have to listen to me thats why." Dad said smiling.

"Fine, let me go get ready." I said rolling my eyes as I walked up the stairs to my room. I put on a Star Wars shirt, a pair of my black jeans with slits, a pair of blue vans,and sunglasses. I decided to curl my hair which I haven't done in a long time because I'm not a girly girl. After I curled my hair I put my Hustle hat on backwards because I have always worn my hats like that. Before I went down stair I grabbed my iPhone which I changed the case to a pair of angel wings. I headed back downstairs and the boys were waiting for me by the front door. We left after a while and we pulled up to the mall. As soon as we we were gonna go in a girl ran out the door with at least 6 boys right behind her. We walked in and went straight to Hot Topic so I can get new shirts. Dad and I came out of Hot Topic with a whole bunch of shirts and shoes. After a while of shopping we were exhausted and then I saw Johnny with a bunch of his friends. All of the boys and I headed to the Starbucks that was by the mall. When we got into Starbucks we ordered our drinks then sat at a booth behind a bunch of boys. When I heard them laughing I looked up and saw Sebastian staring at me and giving me an evil smirk. I got up and ran for our car and then I heard footsteps follow behind me and when I looked back it was my dad, Jonah, Nick, and Adam so I stopped and started to cry.

"Whats wrong A?" Nick asked hugging me.

"Who was that guy staring at you?" Adam asked.

"That was my ex Sebastian." I said crying even harder into Nick's shirt.

"Why were you so scared?" My dad asked.

"He would hit me and yell in my face and insult me while we were dating." I said with a scared tone in my voice. Then Josh and Ryan came to the car with our drinks and we headed home.

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