Chapter 27

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Ally's Pov.

After I went to bed that night I was woken up from my phone ringing right into my ear. I checked the caller ID and saw that it was Joey calling me. I furrowed my eyebrows, why would Joey be calling me at three in the morning.

"Hello?"I grumbled into the phone.

"Oh thank God you picked up! Sorry for waking you. But could you please come over, Abbie had a bad dream and shes now on the couch trying to sleep but she can't."Joey pleaded and I nodded my head.

"Okay I'll be there soon."I smiled.

"Okay, don't worry about telling your Dad I already told him."Joey said into the receiver.

"Okay thanks, see you soon."I replied before hanging up the phone.

I climbed down from my bed and headed over to my closet. I pulled on my sweatshirt and headed downstairs. I saw my Dad with his shoes and a coat on and I furrowed my brows at him.

"I'm not letting you walk there alone, at three in the morning."He sassed and I nodded. While someone doesn't like being woken up at this time.

I quickly slipped on my shoes before we headed over to the SDK house. When we made it there we didn't bother knocking because we weren't sure if the other boys were asleep or not. I headed straight into the living room and Dad headed over to speak with Joey.

I walked in and saw Abbie underneath a blanket and starring up at the ceiling, she looked like she had a lot on her mind but she also looked exhausted. I smiled small at her before sitting at her feet. She looked over to me and her eyes widened.

"Ally what're you doing here?"She asked in shook.

"Joey called me to come and see if you were alright."I shrugged, and she scowled a little.

"Hey so whats going on?"I asked and she groaned before sitting up and resting her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm in comfort.

"The boys are throwing us a birthday party and I don't want it."She grumbled and I nodded for her to go on.

"I just don't like celebrating my birthday. When I was 6 I had this birthday party with my foster family and it didn't turn out well at all. They ended up beating me."She sniffled and I pulled her into a giant hug as she cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back and shushed her.

"Oh A I'm so sorry, but that won't happen here. The boys are so kind and nice to us, do you really think they could do something like that. They are to kind. But I'll be by your side the whole time, that's the best thing about us having our birthday on the same day. I haven't had the best experiences with birthday parties either, so we can help each other through it. Okay?"I asked and she nodded and pulled away from me with a small smile. I wiped her tears away and grinned at her.

"Thank you Al."She smiled at me.

"No problem, now lets go to bed I'm exhausted."I sighed and she laughed as we headed upstairs and into her room.

Authors Note:Hey its Teagan, hows everything going? Please remember to vote and comment, we always like to hear you feed back. Thanks for reading and Love You All!!!!!!!!

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