Chapter 17

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Ally's Pov.

After Ricky was rude to Collins I escaped to my bedroom but that only worked for about 20 minutes until Abbie was climbing up onto my bed and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Whats wrong Bud?"She asked and I sighed.

"Ricky was being a total dick to Collins when he just dropped me off."I pouted and Abbie smiled at me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Well what would I do if I told you that Collins is in your backyard right now waiting for you with his brother."Abbie smirked and my jaw dropped. I squealed and hugged her.

"Thank you!"I cheered.

"Yeah, yeah I know I'm awesome but lets change into our swim suits and get this show on the road."She smiled and I nodded to her as we both hurried off my bed and into my closet.

I ended up changing into a red bathing with white polka dots with some sandals. Abbie changed into a nice blue swimsuit and borrowed a different pair of my sandals.

We both headed downstairs with towels in our arms and I smiled as we walked out and saw the nice pool. I saw that the boys were all in the pool along with Collins and Devan. I grinned as I saw Collins and Devan checking us out. 

We both set down our towels and headed into the pool. We both cannon balled into the pool and laughed as we saw the guys shocked expressions.

"What we don't swan dive so don't look to shocked."I sassed and they all laughed along with Abby.

We spent hours and hours in the pool and enjoyed a nice meal. After a few hours the SDK family decided to head home but they let Abbie stay for another night much to my enjoyment.

Right now I was hugging Devan goodbye and Abbie was hugging Collins. We both said a short goodbye before I headed over to Collins and Devan headed over to Abbie.

"I had a great time."Collins smiled as he brought me into a hug and I smiled and gladly hugged back.

"It was fun."I smiled as we pulled apart.

Collins kissed my cheek causing me to blush as he pulled away. He walked down the path with Devan before turning around and blowing me a kiss.

"I'll see you later Darling."He smiled and I awed at him.

Its official Collins Key might be the death of me.

Authors note: Its Teagan sorry the update is so short. I'll try to make it longer next time. Please don't be a silent reader. Love you!

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