Chapter 29

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Ally's Pov.

After I called Abbie to see where she was I hurried up to her room to get dressed into some fresh clothes. I just borrowed some of Abbie's clothes considering we're the same size and she doesn't care if I borrow some of her clothes, she does the same with mine.

I slipped on a Stitch shirt and some ripped blue denim jeans. I put on her red converse and borrowed her Bat Man backpack and I left my hair in natural waves. I ran downstairs and Jonah and Joey were waiting for me at the door.

I quickly sent a text to Collins and told him to meet us at the park with Devan. We quickly walked over to the park and I was shocked to see what I saw. I rushed over to the bench Collins and Devan were looking at and gasped at what I saw.

It was one of Abbie's heals. I looked around and saw a drag mark in the mud near the bench. I picked up Abbie's heal and saw that if I dragged her heal beside the mark it looked exactly identical to the one I found. Seeing this made me more curious.

"Whats going on is that Abbie's heal?"Joey asked worried, and I shushed him.

"Shh I'm thinking."I mumbled as I followed the somewhat of a trail left behind. There was drag marks all the way up to the other side of the park and there was a pair of what looks like men's shoe print.

The trail suddenly stopped when I made it to the sidewalk just before the road. I looked around to see if there was anymore clues, then I saw it. It was her necklace on the ground. I picked it up and it looked like it was torn off of her. I gasped and tears clouded my vision as I realized what has happened. Abbie was kidnapped.

I turned to the boys and they still had concerned looks on their faces and that's when I broke out into sobs. Collins rushed over to me and wrapped me into a tight hug as I cried into his chest.

"What's wrong Darling?"He asked but it came out muffled due to him kissing the top of my head.

"Someone, someone kidnapped Abbie."I managed to choke out through my tears and everyone gasped.

"How do you know?"Joey and Devan asked at the same time.

" There was drag marks from the one heal she still had on it looked like she wasn't fighting back considering the marks were pretty much straight. There were a mans footprints right ahead of hers and her necklace was torn off of her and her phone is cracked like someone either smashed it against the sidewalk so we couldn't track her or it fell out of her pocket when someone tried to move her."I said regaining myself somewhat. The guys looked at me in shock and with tears in their eyes.

"How do you know so much about this stuff?"Jonah asked and I took a deep breath before explaining myself.

"Something similar happened to me when I was younger, but that's enough about me what we need to do right now is find Abbie and I know the perfect way to. Abbie knows that I can find her, and I will. If shes awake wherever she is she knows that I'm coming to get her."I forced a smile and the boys jaws were still dropped.

"How do you plan on finding her?"Collins asked and I smiled a real smile at him.

"I have my ways."I smirked.

Authors Note: Hey its Teagan. How are you all doing? So some drama is going down. I hope you're enjoying this book and please remember votes and comments are appreciated. Love you all.

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