Chapter 31

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Ally's Pov. (Before they find Abbie)

"Ally we really need to report this to the police they can help."Joey begged as I was looking around the park for anymore evidence I may have missed. I whipped my head in his direction and instantly shook my head.

"You don't get it Joey, a person has to be missing for 24 hours before you can file a missing person claim. And with Abbie's record of running from foster family's they won't help. Trust me the police will only get in our way. I know about Abbie's past better then anyone else. I'm your best option of finding her. Shes not just my bestfriend shes my sister. I will get her back home."I insured and Joey and Jonah hesitantly nodded.

"Are you sure you can find her?"Devan asked and I nodded.

"I'll find her and I always will."I promised and continued looking around the park for any clues.

I was searching around the playground when I heard Joey and Jonah speaking. I listened up to see what they were talking about.

"Maybe it has something to do with Sebastian."Jonah practically whispered to Joey and an alarm went off in my head. I quickly jumped up from my crouching position and ran over to them.

"Did you just say Sebastian- Shit! Oh no!"I panicked and everyone looked at me in worry and Collins came over to me and rested his hands on my shoulders.

"Whats wrong Ally?"He asked and I could feel my throat constricting, and tears welling up in my eyes.

"If Sebastian has her we need to find her fast before he does something stupid." I rushed out.

Before anyone could reply I ran and ran to the SDK house as fast as I could. I immediately ran into Abbie's room and went under her bed where I know she keeps her important items. I went through the shoe box and smiled triumphantly when I found a little notebook. On the cover in sharpie marker was written Abbie's diary do not open.

I opened it and looked through the pages until I came across the day that I knew Sebastian's and Abbie's first date was held. Maybe if we're in luck he'll take her to the place they first went for his 'redo date'. I quickly skimmed through the page and the words arcade and 223 maplewood street stuck out like a sore thumb. 

I grabbed one of Abbie's penny board's from her closet and headed downstairs and out of the house. As I was just starting to board the boys came into my line of sight.

"Follow me in your car! I know where she is!"I exclaimed before boarding across town as fast as I could.

I didn't care for traffic and just swerved through it even though that wasn't necessarily the safest or wisest idea. But this is my bestfriend no, this is my sister we're talking about. I need to find her and make sure she is safe.

After probably a twenty minute ride I made it to the address. It was a worn out arcade that looks like its been shut down for at least a couple of months. The outside walls were full of graffiti and the windows were boarded up. I got off my board and headed for the door. I saw the boys pulled in but didn't bother to wait for them. I had to find her, I had to make sure she was okay.

The door was jammed but that wasn't about to stop me. I kicked the door as hard as I could a few times and it broke open. I slipped through the door and started silently creeping to the door at the back of the room with a glimmer of light shinning from the bottom. The boys came in and I shushed them before heading to the door.

I kicked it open and gasped at the sight. There they were Sebastian had I knife pulled on Abbie and let me tell you I was more then pissed off at this sight before me. I ran in and Joey punched Sebastian in the face to get him away from her.

"Seriously Sebastian!!" I yelled and kicked him knocking the wind out of him. I was about to do more damage to him before Devan wanted a piece of him, and I let him. Abbie is his girlfriend and all.

"Who in the world are you!!"Devan screamed before kicking him right in his most sensitive area but I had to admit Sebastian did deserve this. He didn't get a drop of sympathy from me.

Abbie said something but I couldn't pay attention to what she was saying because I saw a gash mark on her stomach. I gasped and soon heard everyone yelling as she blacked out. Tears clouded my vision as I ran to her. I pushed everyone away except Devan who had her head resting in his lap and started to asses the damage.

I pulled her shirt up and took a deep breath as I saw hr wound. It wasn't that deep but it looked like it needed stitches. I didn't even think twice before throwing my shirt over my head and pressing it down on her wound and applying pressure to try and stop the blood flow. I was left in only a sports bra and jeans but I couldn't care less. 

"Collins go through my bag see if there's anything that could help. Jonah go to the car there's a first aid kit there. She losing a lot of blood and I'm going to have to give her stitches."I yelled and they all nodded going to do what I say.

"Is she going to be okay?"Devan asked with tear filled eyes.

"She will be, I just need to stitch her up and she should be good until we get her to the hospital."I sighed and he nodded.

"I found a water bottle."Collins called as he passed it to me with the lid open.

I poured it on her gash to clean the area somewhat. I used a clean part of my shirt to wipe off the excess blood. Jonah came in and popped the first aid kit open. I took the disinfectant and poured it on her wound and cleaned it with cotton balls. I took out a clean needle and thread and started to stitch her up.  After a few minutes I was done and sprayed it once again with disinfectant and wiped it before wrapping gauze around her tightly. 

"Okay she should be good until we get to the hospital."I smiled as Devan picked her up and headed to the car with her. All of us followed behind and Collins gave me his sweater to put on.

"Sorry I got it your sweater a little bloody."I apologized and he just waved me off and slung a arm around my shoulders.

"Its fine. But how did you know how to do that stuff Ally?"He asked and I shook my head.

"I've had a rough past."I sighed.

Authors Note: Hey its Teagan, wow I think this is the longest chapter oh well. Please vote and comment and all that jazz and maybe tell us what you think of this book. Thanks to you guys for reading and love you all.

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