Chapter 42

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Abbie's *POV*

I got up this morning and decided to go to the skate park to hang out with Mark and them. I got up and got dressed. After I was done I grabbed a random penny board out of my closet and went downstairs. Nobody was here so I left a note, grabbed my keys, locked the door, and made my way to the skate park. When I got there I walked to Mark and sat next to him.

"Hey Abbie." Mark said.

"Hey Mark." I said giving him a hug. He hugged back and smiled.

"Hey sorry about Devan he's just the jealous type." I said looking at the ground.

"Hey its ok I understand." Mark said lifting my head up to look at him. I smiled and he kissed me again. Something inside me told me to pull away because I have a boyfriend but I didn't listen and kissed back. After a while we pulled away and smiled. Mark has a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend but we like each other.

"Still a great kisser Ab." Mark said with a small laugh.

"I could say the same for you." I said with a small laugh. We sat there and talked a while before skating around a bit.

"Hey Ab wanna go on a date with me?" Mark asked.

"What about Devan and Jenny?" I asked.

"They don't have to know." Mark said.

"Ok sure." I said smiling.

"Tomorrow night meet me here at six and we'll go from there." Mark said smiling. I looked at my watch and it was already 2:30.

"I have to go but see you tomorrow." I said rushing home. When I got there no one was home. I unlocked the door and walked inside. I can't believe it. My family has left me alone all day. So I'm not here alone I'm gonna call Ally to see if she'll come over.

"Hello?" Ally asked.

"Hey Ally." I said.

"Hey Ab." Ally said.

"So my family isn't here and Idk why but will you come over so I'm not alone." I said.

"Sorry I can't. My fam and I are on our way to San Antonio, Texas to visit Jc's fam." Ally said.

"Ok. Just let me know if you hear from my dad." I said sadly before hanging up. I lock all of the doors in my house and head up to my bedroom. I can't believe that they left me here alone. I start to cry until I fall asleep.

*A couple hours later*

I was woken up to a loud crashing noise coming from downstairs. Soon heavy footsteps were making their way upstairs so I hid in my closet. I look through the little opening of my closet door and see a buff looking guy in black. I sit here praying that he doesn't find me. Soon enough I see him walk out of my room and hear him walk downstairs. I pulled out my phone and dial 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"Um there is someone in my house." I whisper loud enough for the lady to hear.

"Ok miss what's your name and address?" The lady asked.

"My name is Abbie Gatto and my address is 432 Sunset Drive." I said frantically.

"Ok the police are on their way." The lady said before I hung up. I was stuck in my closet until I heard sirens right in front of the house. I got out of the closet and everything went black. Soon I woke up in the hospital.

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