Chapter 14

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Abbie's +POV+

Ally and I were talking when I felt our phones vibrate. I checked my phone and its says 'Devan Key and Collins Key is now following you on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.' I started to blush because Devan had just followed me on every one of my social medias.

"Omg Devan and Collins just followed me on Twitter, Instagram,and Tumblr." Ally and I said at the same time. We started to laugh because we were both excited and blushing like crazy.

"How did they even find out our usernames?" Ally asked.

"I don't know, but I'm glad." I said smiling. I then receive a dm on Instagram. 

(D=Devan M=Me)

D= Hey Abbie

M= Hey Devan

D= How are you

M= Good and how did you find my username

D= It was in your dad's bio on here

M= Oh ok

D= Here is my number (661)215-3904 

M= Thanks here is mine (661)365-8136

D=I'll text you later bye

M= Bye

After I got done I saved Devan's number into my phone and put a picture of him as his contact picture. After a while I started to drift off and so did Ally.

*In Dream*

I woke up to find myself in a chair tied up and I turn my head and see Devan tied to a chair as well. Sebastian walks in with knife.

"Just let us go Sebastian." I begged.

"And why would I do that?" He asked.

"I don't know, but please." I begged again.

"Abbie is that you?" I heard Devan ask as he starts to wake up.

"Yeah don't worry." I said trying to put on a fake smile.

"Is he your boyfriend now?" Sebastian asked.

"No we just met." Devan says right before Sebastian punches him.

"I wasn't asking you was I." Sebastian said angrily.

"Sebastian just leave him alone." I said.

"It's ok." Devan said.

"Abbie I still have feelings for you." Sebastian said.

"Well if you weren't such a douche or if you didn't cheat on me maybe I would give you a second chance." I said with anger in my voice.

"You know what maybe if he was out of our way we could be together again." Sebastian said walking over to Devan with the knife.

"Even if I never met him I wouldn't give you another chance because I hate and I hated the way you treated me!!!" I yell this time.

"Bye bye." Sebastian said stabbing Devan with the knife in his stomach right in front of me. 

"Have you gone crazy or something!!" I yell as tears start to build up. Next thing I know Sebastian came over to me and put the tip of the knife in the same spot that he stabbed Devan and then kisses me.

*End Of Dream*

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I scream while jumping up and almost falling off of Ally's bed. Connor and the boys storm in the bedroom to what was wrong and so does Ally. Ally got up because she couldn't sleep.

"Whats wrong A?" Ally asked.

"I just had a nightmare its ok." I say laying back down.

A/N: Its Kelsey and I'm really hoping that you guys are liking the story.

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