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Luke's point of view-

  I sat at the top of long staircase to the temple of the empire. It's the place I call home. The sunset was relaxing. I hadn't been on duty since my target, Grayson, had vanished. No spy's or other people in the empire military had located him, but we did find one of his friends. That strange Enderman hybrid has peaked the emperor's interest.
I watched the sunset and let my lavender colored hair flow in the breeze. Even after a month, simple things like this was such a relief. For awhile, I didn't feel tensed up, or plagued by memories of all the wrong I had done to people I used to care for. I shook my head.
No. All of that is over with. My life is more important. I have to look after myself. That's how this world just is, a place where it's one for all. I had tried to convince myself time and time again. Like always, I succeeded.
I began to relax once more, pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind. The sound of the large golden palace doors caught my attention. I turned around as my name was called out by one of the emperors female servants. She wore a dark blue dress, with dirty blonde hair tied in a braid that hung over her left shoulder. Her eyes were a brilliant shining  bright blue.

"Luke, the emperor would like to see you. It's urgente." She said with a soft, quiet voice.

"Alright. Coming." I said as I stood, and dusted myself off.

What did he want now? Did he find Grayson? Well whatever he wants, it better be worth ruining my relaxation. I followed behind the servant as we walked past the golden columns, to the large palace doors. She placed her hands on both of the doors, and forcefully pushed them open. She gestured for me to enter.
I walked in, both of us exchanging a bow, before she closed the door and walked off somewhere in the gigantic palace. I admired the interior decoration, as I did every time I walked into this place. Everything has crimson red, royal blue and marvelous gold. The chandeliers glimmered as the remaining sunlight poured into the grand hall, from the large windows. The hall had a long row of golden columns, and a red carpet long lined with gold stripes on the edges, and had imagery of blossomed golden flowers all over its red base.
Directly ahead of me, at the end of the hall, was the throne room. The emperor stood from his throne, and began to make his way towards me. I could see the elves with metal clasp on their necks, chained to the throne. He loved to show them off to everyone that came to the temple, and he viewed them as trophies. They were beautiful, more the less. At least he let them keep their looks, because everything else, like happiness and freedom, was gone.
The emperor walked up to me, with his arms extended, and a smile on his face. He wasn't skinny, but he wasn't too big either. His brunette hair nearly covered his left eye. He wore black pants, boots, and a six golden buttoned, black vest. Two purple amulets, and a cape made of white fur were around his neck, and of course, he had a crown atop his head. He was taller then me by two inches, or so. His smile made me uneasy, it was something people hardly ever saw.

"Luke! So grand for you to be here!" He seemed unusually cheerful. He walked around me, putting his arm on my left shoulder.

"You see Lucas, for the past few weeks I have sent a few spies to keep Grayson's Enderman friend in line, and I'm sure you've noticed my interest in him, and I'll explain. Now, it seems he not only possesses the abilities of an Enderman, but he also has traits of Armenbrine."

Chills ran down my spine at the mention of the man that once persecuted all of the lands. Mainly the Badlands that the empire was so close to. I didn't believe it. There was no way that a mortal, hybrid or not, could have power like that. If he does have that power, then why did he use such a non-lethal, simple magic spell on me when we met at the river? I was even more intrigued by what he said next.

"You know, he could be used as bait to lure Grayson out of hiding, and get back the dragon egg. All I need, is you to bring the hybrid to me. He could be very useful in a verity of things, but of course, I know how you think, so I'll offer you one hundred marks, perhaps even one hundred and fifty if he's in good condition. So what do you say?"

He came back around to face me, with his right arm extended, ready to seal the deal. It took me a moment to grab hold of the offer in my mind. One hundred marks was more than someone with the highest paying job in the empire could gain in one year, and one hundred and fifty was even better.
Unfortunately I was in doubt that I could get his guard down enough to knock him out. Hopefully it would work. I traced the scar on my right cheek with my right middle and index finger. It was the scar I had gotten last time the hybrid and I had faced. It embarrassed me to admit that I had tossed across the forest like a rag doll.

"I don't have all day." He said, growing impatient.

I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly took his hand. How could I resist all of that money?

"Oh, sorry your highness. I accept." Our hands moved up and down, sealing my new mission. He leaned in close to my ear, making my blood run cold. What he whispered was even more frightening.

"Good, because if you fail, I'll bring it to mind to have you hanged in front of the entire empire population."

He said it so calmly. That smile on his face made me feel sick to my stomach. How could he go to drastic measures so quickly? I was trained in the empire military, and became his royal assassin! I was the best off all the trainees, and earned the right hand side next to the emperor. I had my own room in the royal palace, and now he's willing to end my life with this one mission?
It didn't even seem too important, well, to me atleast. Obviously it was a different story with the emperor. I was snapped out of the shock when he let go of my hand and spoke.

"Now leave. Get your supplies ready. An airship will be sending you out to the southern end of the country very soon. That is where the hybrid is usually seen by my spies. Now get! I have important business to attend to."

I bowed to him, and turned on my heels and matched out of the palace. I went back to my proper quarters in the second floor of the palace. I grabbed my backpack next to my bed, and bedside cabinet with an oil lamp on top, and put in the supplize I supposed would be needed. Medical supplies, a glass bottle to collect water, arrows, and a set of clothes. I put my purple and white armor over my black attire. On my back, I equipped my sword holster, with my iron sword inside.
"Good, because if you fail, I will bring it to mind to hang you in front of the entire empire population." His voice echoed in my mind. The calmness in his tone. That's what really frightened me the most. That smile still on his face. It all made me quiver, and made me feel sickened.
He was going to kill me if I failed? I knew he was cruel, but this was beyond what I had had expected his limits to be. I was his best assassin in the whole empire military. I had my own room in the palace, and yet he went to such drastic measures so quickly. I was angered by the fact.

"The ship is ready! Don't come back until you get him. Now leave, and hunt him down!" He called out from down stairs, trying to rush me.

I grabbed my yarn knitted penguin hat. I looked down at it, memories flowing through my mind. I shook my head. I don't have time for memory lane. Besides, I don't want to walk that path again today. I don't want to walk it ever, but I know I must someday.
Putting it over my head, I glanced out the window above my bedside cabinet, and stared down at the city. I pulled my black mask up from my neck, and over my mouth and nose. I watched the people down in the city, walking on the cobble road. I would be richer than all of them.

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