Chapter 12

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Thanks, AvaMarieSchneider for helping me with the beginning of the chapter. I really appreciate all of the help you give me! :D I'm excited for the next chapter! You're going to love it! *laughs hysterically*
Drake's point of view-

  "Drake! Follow me!" I heard a faint voice in my head, but I didn't see anything other than pitch blackness. The voice wasn't what I experienced everyday when I blanked out, so dark and evil. Instead, it was a voice that sounded much more happier, cheerful, and squeaky.
Then slowly a scene started forming into view through my perspective. As it came more into sight, I saw that I was in a thick green forest blooming with flowers and vines hung from branches in the dense canopy of leaves above me.
Then, in the corner of my eye I saw someone skipping excitedly next to me. It was a little boy, with blond hair that was about to the mid-length of his neck and wore all blue clothes and a hat that covered his head. A wide bright smile was plastered on the boy's face as he looked at me, his large blue eyes gleaming.
I could recognize that smile and big curious eyes anywhere. It was Armen.
In my sleep, I could feel myself choke and hold back tears looking at my past friend's face, one that I hadn't seen in ages; years. He look so different, and full of life.

"Where are we going?" I heard myself ask. My voice sounded so small and innocent, totally opposite to what it is now.

Armen giggled, still showing off a cute grin across his face. In my sleep, I flinched at the familiar sound of Armen's laugh. "You'll just have to see until we get there."

We went through the thick forest a little more before the trail we were walking on disappeared into a curtain of vines that hung over the path. Armen's soft, small hands went over my eyes.            

  "Don't look."

I heard vines rustle out of the way as my friend removed them in front of us. Then Armen released his hands from my eyes. He started to smile even more when I gasped at what I saw in front of me. A giant tree house, probably even more than half the size of our house was sitting in tree in a clearing. It looked awesome, with windows, steps leading up to the door, and a slide for two little boys to play on.

  "Wow!" I marveled. "You built this?"

  "Uh-huh!" Armen nodded his head, proudly. "All by myself!"

The blond-haired boy ran quickly over to the treehouse, climbed the stairs, stood at the top, and put his arms into the air, giggling. "Doesn't it look so cool?!"

  "Yeah!" I shouted excitedly. I ran over to the treehouse and went to the top with Armen, staring at the marvel that my friend had built. "It's awesome!"

Armen laughed and in a flash he was already down the long slide and was on the ground. He then ran back to the stairs to go down again. I slide down the slide, feeling my stomach go up and down as I went down, but it was a funny sensation. I laughed as I hit the grass at the bottom and dashed to the stairs to catch up with Armen. After what seemed like forever giggling and going down the slide with Armen, I sat down in the room of the tree house, catching my breath.

  "Come up here, Armen!" I hollered for my friend, who was at the bottom of the slide. I heard feet coming up the wooden boards of the steps as I continued to giggle.

But when Armen came in and I saw him, my giggle immediately stopped as I stared in horror of his face. Armen was suddenly older, his hair now black, and his face and body were bruised and cut. Burns also covered his body everywhere. One of his eyes were glowing a bright white as the other one was a light, faded cyan . I heard my younger self scream in horror.

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