Chapter 22

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Another chapter I have mixed feelings about. I wish that it was a bit longer... Oh well! I hope you like it! X3
And again, I apologize for any mistakes...

Grayson's point of view-

My body froze, shaking in fear and because of the freezing winter air. The rain had stopped pouring down, allowing the infamous beast to emerge from hiding. My eyes locked gazes on the Enderman standing before me, it's purple eyes shining in the dark. The color that Drake's Enderman eye used to be before it's color started to slowly fade. A moment too late, I realized my mistake.
The Enderman vanished in a fog of Ender particles, an ear piercing screeching filling the air. My heart pounded in my chest, holding my sword tightly with a trembling hand. I know how dangerous Endermen can be, especially when aggravated. I'm glad that Drake doesn't have the temper of a fullblood Enderman. My eyes darted around, waiting for the beast to show it's face.
Suddenly, I could hear the screeching directly behind me. I spun around, swiftly swinging my blade in hopes that I wasn't too late to make the first move. Unfortunately, we both moved simultaneously, the tip of my blade cutting into it's long chest with scaly thin skin. At the same moment, it's long claw like fingers collided with my right arm, ripped my jacket and shirt, cutting deep into my skin. The force was so strong that it knocked me off of my feet. I let out a cry as my body went flying, and landed, rolling on the mud.
I grunted, and hissed in pain as I pushed myself up onto my knees. I looked down at the wound, stinging as blood seeped from the large gashes. I covered it, getting back up to my feet as I growled. My eyes searched for the Enderman, waiting for it to show it's face again as I held my sword.

  "Grayson, look out!" Endy called out, pointing behind me.

I spun around, immediately swinging my blade in defense. A loud screeching rung out once more, as my blade glided through the Enderman's long fingers of its right hand. The pointed, scaly fingertips fell to the mud as they were cut away from the monster's body, light purple blood spraying onto my own body.
Once again, it teleported out of my sight, leaving me to look blankly at the path of burnt and broken trees. I spun around again, hearing a strange sound behind my back. There, the Enderman appeared once more, it's purple eyes glowing in rage, and it's mouth hanging open, showing sharp teeth as it let out another ear piercing roar. The purple blood in it's veins seemed to be glowing beneath it's black skin, boiling with anger.
As it was about to charge at me, it was struck in the back with a violet light. It teleported again, letting out a screech of pain. As it vanished and the light slowly faded, I saw Endy standing there with her arm stretched out and hand glowing.

  "Thanks." I gasped out, trying to catch my breath.

Suddenly, the tall figure materialized behind her, before letting out an agonizing roar. She spun around with a gasp, looking up into the enraged Enderman's eyes, swiftly moving her arm up to attack. She swung her blade, and fired a blast of magic at it. The blast collided with the chest of the wild beast, with Endy's blade cutting into it's knees. It let out on last shriek with purple light shining brightly from it's mouth. It's body turning into dust and ash, while the purple light remained, slowly fading into the darkness.

  "Alright... I think it's finally dead." She said as she looked over her shoulder at me, gasping to get air in and out of her lungs.

Then in the dark, I saw a strange creature emerge from the trees, creeping up behind the girls. It's mouth hung wide open with only two eye sockets, but could still see. It's skin was like the summer grass, with a long body and four short legs. It's ribs were visible through its thin skin. It hissed like a snake, the noise getting louder the closer it got to my companions.

  "Behind you!" I called out, readying to charge at the monster.

They turned around, both letting out a scream at the horrifying beast. Before either of them could try to slice the creature with their blades, it's chest started to expand, with a white light shining inside of it's green chest. My eyes widened, suddenly remembering this type of monster that I hadn't seen in so long. They have been known a tendency to explode when close enough to a victim. The infamous Creeper...
All of the sudden in a white light, it's body exploded before the girls, sending them flying back. My eyes widened as I gasped fearing for their current safety. The ground was blown up, leaving behind a large crater in the soil where the Creeper and my friends once stood. Mia and Endy's bodies laid on the wet dirt, both groaning in pain from the force of impact.
I ran up to them, looking both of them over, fearing that they were badly injured or worse. The two girls pushed themselves up, Mia coughing as she did so. They got back onto their feet, both of them with their knees wobbling underneath them.

Rebellion (After the Haunted FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang