Chapter 31

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I feel like there could have been more point of views but I got way too into the third person. Oh well! I hope you enjoy and forgive me if you find any errors.

Third person point of view-

The buzzing of bugs and scurrying of animals called out through the thick forest. Grayson swung his blade, cutting away a low branch so that the others could pass by without getting swatted in the face. Occasionally they would have the luck of passing by a bush that still bore a few edible berries. Drake reached out to a bush after watching the others frantically picking the berries away. He took a single blackberry, staring blankly down at it.
Drake was hesitant to place the small blackberry against his tongue. His stomach growled with hunger but he knew that eventually he would hurl it back up before his body could take in the proper nutrients. Sure the berries were small, but that did not really matter with his condition.
Finally he let out a deep sigh and placed the blackberry into his burning, dry mouth. He began to chew it rather fast because of his aching hunger but soon after he began gagging before even getting the piece of fruit down his throat.
He slumped over and unconsciously spit it out as another coughing fit struck him. He put one arm on the tree to keep him upright as the coughing turned into mild vomiting. His other arm pressed against his stomach as he slowly ran out of breath. Only blood poured out from his empty stomach. Afterwards, he gasped for breath and waited for the world to stop spinning even though his eyesight was already awful.

"Drake, are you alright?" Lalea asked him with a soft voice full of concern.

Drake growled as both Lalea and Grayson crowded him. He was so sick of being asked that question. Shouldn't the answer be obvious by now?

"I'm f**king starving! What do you think?" He snapped with a snarl in his throat.

The two backed up, their chests becoming heavy. Drake's gaze softened as he realized that he had yelled at his friends, not only that, but swore in front of Jane. He growled at himself, shaking his head in frustration as he looked down at the wet soil. He was sick of them asking if he was fine, but he was even more sick of himself screaming at his friends just because they were worried about him. He felt disgusted with himself for treating his comrades, who were practically family, in such a way.

Drake took in a few deep breaths, not looking up as he apologized. "I'm so sorry... you guys k-know that I have not exactly been able to c-control my own emotions l-lately." He gave out a half hearted chuckle to lift the dread and awkward feeling that now lingered.

Grayson swallowed a lump in his throat, obviously still concerned. His eyes scanned Drake's slim body, looking at his torso where his ribs were visible, them down at the crimson bile splattered upon the ground. He took in a deep breath and released it slowly. Reluctantly, he turned around and looked back down to his map. He did not know what to say anymore.

"It's's not your fault." He said calmly.

A few more minutes passed along with multiple other brushes that bore ripe fruit. It was strange considering that it was winter and so far up north where all of the plant life should have died and the ground should have been blanketing in pure white snow. His ears perked up as he heard a familiar growl that did not belong to any animal. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Drake with his arms over his stomach and red cheeks, yet his face distorted with pain.
Grayson huffed, rolling up his map and shoving it carelessly into his satchel. He looked over to the bushes, his eyes resting on the many black fruits growing on the slim leaf covered branches. He glanced back at Drake for a moment before going and picking a few of the berries without second thought.

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