Chapter 35

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Original picture above is by RadiofaceQueen on Deviantart! I just colored it!
Once again, I stayed up until 1:30 in the morning rewriting this, so I'm not sure if it's filled with spelling and grammar errors. I apologize if it is.
I wonder how everyone will feel by the end of this chapter...(you're all going to kill me...)

Grayson's point of view-

I used my cape to wipe away the blood on my face. I flinched in pain as I pressed it against my sore, tender bruises. My eye was just a bit swollen, as well as my lip but Mia said it was not noticeable. I kept rubbing my tongue against my teeth just to be sure that none of them were loose.
I was still in disbelief that Drake had attacked us like that. I knew that he had recent problems with anger and occasionally violently lashed out but to go that far... Everything was looking so bright when we arrived! He was happy, and I was happy, and everything was going fine until now. This is just like a roller coaster and I can only hope that there will be another up before we descend downwards again.

I turned to Lalea, who was obviously scared for Drake and shaken from the events from earlier. "How are you holding up, Lalea?"

She grabbed her arm. "I'm scared. It's that demons influence. It's starting to get to Drake." She shut her eyes tight and nearly tripped.

I stepped over, readying to help her but she regained footing. "Drake...he...he drained my mana when he attacked could he have..?"

"Wait, he...drained your mana?" I had to repeat, not really knowing why.

She nodded, almost in tears. "Yes. It's another black magic spell but I never knew that he had any knowledge of it whatsoever. It just makes me wonder what else he knows... What he's hiding from us."

A sigh left from behind my lips. I never would have imagined that he would do something like that. And black magic? I knew Drake and knew that he would never stoop that low... at least not the Drake that I used to know.
I was honestly terrified that Drake was still...out of his mind at the moment. I was terrified that he was somewhere around hurting himself or struggling with keeping himself together. Struggling with holding onto his sanity. I did not know how to feel about his actions earlier. They were uncalled for and revolting but...was it truly his fault? His eyes were not glowing but did he truly understand what he was doing or what was going on?
I still felt that all of this, everything, was my fault. If I had just went to his house after leaving that portal in the first place, none of this would have happened! Sure, I did not think he needed me, myself believing that Herobrine was dead but...he was my best friend. He IS my best friend, my family! I should not have abandoned him like that... You don't leave family behind.
I shut my eyes, taking in a deep breath through my nostrils and releasing it through my mouth. Just relax, Grayson. Blaming yourself is not going to help Drake through this. I opened my eyes, turning to Xavier as he spoke.

  "What if he does that again? What if he ends up going psycho and..."

I growled. "He won't! He'll be fine."

Xavier looked to be losing his temper, something that I knew was not usual for him. "You can't be sure of that! Grayson...he's my friend and I want to help him, honestly, but... If he hurts my daughter like he hurt you, Lalea, or me..."

He clutched his fists and bit his lip to keep himself from saying anymore. He sighed, continuing on anyway. "I tried to listen to" He closed his eyes for a moment, pausing at the mention of Luke.

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