Chapter 2

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Grayson's point of view-

Argons Wall was a beautiful place. Despite the winter season, the grass was still green and the bushes still bore fruit. The place was vast with markets making a profit by selling goods.
Most of the people there spoke Paganum, a foreign language I have yet to understand. There are some humans that live here that understand Paganum, which is great when you need a translator, but I don't need one. I don't want one. I can't let anyone know who I am.
It's become rare that I went into populated places such as this, but I had decided to come and some things such as books, and potions, and other things I needed.

"Thank you." I said to the Paganum, knowing that he didn't understand what I was saying.

I handed him a two sovereigns, one of the lowest forms of currency. I used to be quite wealthy, with lots of sovereign to spare, but I lost everything one day when my home was attacked by mercenaries. All I have now, is the very thing that put my name on the wanted list. Well, I did go back to the rubble a few weeks ago to salvage what I could, but mostly everything was burned.
I grabbed the fresh mutton from his hand. He smiled and bowed, which I bowed in response. You have to respect culture, even if it seems strange to you. My horse snorted. I pet it snout, with chestnut fur and a white blaze going up it's snout. I grabbed the lead, and walked through the market with my horse following behind me.
The place had many people around, yet there was enough room on the path to walk without bumping into anyone. Most of people around were male Paganum. The female gender in human and Paganum races were rare to come by, which was very unfortunate, and led to a lot of cases of rape.
Paganum are usually very nice, but their physical appearance and culture is quite different. The males are always bald, with the females usually having hair on the back of their heads in braids. They had unibrows, and had longer faces and noses. Even though I can't understand them, I do have respect for them. I took a bite of the mutton, ripping the fresh meat from the bone. I chewed and swallowed it.

"Why do I eat mutton for breakfast?" I asked myself.

I shrugged. "Old habits, I guess."

Looking up at the sky, missing being able to watch the sunrise. Everyday this month the clouds were overhead, and blocked out the sun. The cold wind blew, making my cape wave behind me. I moved the lead to my left hand, then grabbed my cape with my right hand, and pulled it to my chest, trying to keep the wind away and warm up, even if it would be only a little warmer. I could see my breath rising in the air making it obvious how cold it was.
I was making my way to the wall, ready to leave the town, when something caught my attention. A news board by the wall, with many signs hung on it, including my own name on a wanted poster. A man with a hammer hung a new sign to the board. He wore a cowboy hat, boots, and a duffle coat. A mercenary.
I gasped, and moved over to the closest food stand. I put my back on it, and pulled my hat down, trying to conceal my face. He had a friend to his left, leaning on the board. He put some extra nails into his pocket that didn't need to use. He wore a similar hat, boots and a capelet coat. I tried to tune out the talking and other noises around me so I could listen to them.

"Are you finished yet? These Paganum creep me out." He complained.

"Be patient, will you?" He finished hanging up the sign. "There, finished."

He put his hand on his side and turned to his partner. "Why are you so scared of Paganum anyways? They're practically harmless."

"I'm not scared! I'm just...look at them! They don't have very good hygiene!"

The other one rolled his eyes. "Whatever, you cry baby. Come on. Let's get out of here then."

They walked over to where their horses were tied to post, and untied the leads. They hopped up on the saddles, and got onto their tall steeds, and rode out of the town.

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