Chapter 9

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Anyways, there are some things in this chapter that I'm not sure are proven wrong by members of the admin chickens, but oh well! Enjoy!
Grayson's point of view-

I yawned and sat up in my sleeping bag, rubbing my eyes. My back kind of hurt from sleeping on the stone ground, but I was used to that kind of aching. I had a nightmare about my family, and the day that they were taken from me. It has been a long time since I had one of those. I looked over to bed, but Drake wasn't there. The covers were tossed about, and the pillow laid on the floor. I grabbed it, putting it back on the bed as I stood up. I looked over the bed, seeing my hybrid friend sitting in the far eastern corner. He faced away from me, and he was shaking. I didn't know if it was because he was cold, or because he was still ill. It bother me seeing him just sit there, for no reason.

  "Drake?" I called out. I hoped that Herobrine hadn't taken control of him again.

He turned to me, and answered. "Oh. Good morning, Grayson." I let out a sigh of relief, as I walked around the bed.

  "Um.. What are you doing over here?" I asked.

He just shrugged and looked away from me. "I had trouble sleeping again. The whole night I just had one continuous nightmare."

I sat down on the floor next to him, leaning my back on the cold, stone wall. "Care to tell me about it, you know, if you're alright with it?" I asked, concerned.

For a moment, he hesitated, looking away from me again. I was about to give up, as I began to push myself up, but he finally spoke.

  "It was...very detailed...with the cultist, just slaughtering you and Mia."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. That is very disturbing. I opened my mouth to tell him that it was just a dream, but he spoke up again.

  "Honestly, that wasn't even the worst part. They took me, and started to torture me. Cutting off limbs, burning patches of my skin, and just flat out beating me...but worst part was that... I felt every excruciating moment of it. I couldn't scream, because... I couldn't breathe."

I felt so sorry for him. He didn't deserve to have to see such things, even if they are just fake images of the mind. The word 'burning' echoed in my mind. I despise that word; too many bad memories. 

  "It's okay, Drake. I'm still here, see? They're just bad dreams."

He looked up at me, his white eye actually had a red tint to it on the sides. He still had bags under his eyes, showing his lack of good sleep.

  "I know but... It's just, feeling that pain. It's almost unbearable."

I hated thinking about what it must have felt like. Hopefully Mia didn't have a nightmare like we did. He didn't look too well. His human skin was flush pale, and he was still shaking. I knew that he still had a fever, and it was extremely worrying knowing that it hasn't gone down in the past few days. I wanted him to get better. I wanted to take care of him. Old fatherly instincts... I guess. For some reason, the day we reunited came to my mind. I remembered the joy that I had felt when I saw him again. Seeing someone that knew wouldn't stab me in the back. I remembered laughing, and truly smiling. I remembered on that day, that revenge wasn't everything that I should be fighting for. That I shouldn't let vengeance consume my life. He gave me another reason to live, not to kill, but to protect.

  "Everything will be alright." I assured him. "You'll be okay." I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

  "I know." He said, closing his eyes like he was falling asleep.

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