Chapter 7

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Luke's point of view-

The sun was going to rise very soon. I could see the faint lighter blue beginning to peak of the over the mountains. I woke up early and cleaned up my camp earlier than usual, preparing to go into cultist territory. I don't think they will willingly give me any information, that I'm positive they have. I'll have to do my best to force it out of them, one way or another. I was so glad that my arm was feeling better, otherwise all of this fighting would be so much more difficult.
I walked on the gravel path getting closer and closer to the Red keep, where slaves were held, and countless innocent people were killed in cold blood. I felt chills go down my spine at the remembrance of the horrid things they did to poor souls. I grabbed the hilt of my sword, not anticipating the slightest for any cooperation. I knew that these guys weren't at all peaceful, and they would probably turn me into some slave at any chance they got to take me down. Perhaps it would be better to use a long range attack first.
I got out my bow, and readied an arrow in it, as I got closer to the moving lights in the distance. If they attack, then I refuse to show mercy. I pulled the arrow back, trying to stay one step ahead of whatever attack they might throw at me. I could hear them talking, as I tried my best to stay hidden in the cover of the darkness that still remained in the sky.

  "Didn't they say that the punks went north?"

  "Uh, I don't remember." Another one replied.

A third one said, "Actually, I think he's right."

  "You mean we've been searching out here like dumb a**es for nothing!"

I chuckled at their stupidity. Why are there so many idiots in the badlands? 

  "You wouldn't happen to be talking about an Enderman hybrid, now would ya'?" I said, walking closer into the light of their torches.

They all turned to me, with gasps escaping their mouths. They glared at me with anger and discuss.

  "Who are you?!" One with a raspy voice demanded.

  "Just answer the question!"

The three pulled out their swords, but only one attempted to charge at me. I lifted up my bow and released it as fast as I could. It hit him on the bridge of his nose, instantly killing him, and making his body fall onto the dirt. The next one charged, making a move at my throat. I dodged, drawing my own sword, as I discarded the bow. I blocked his next attack, and swiftly drew my dagger. I lunged into the bottom of his jaw, the blade visible through his open mouth, and going into the top of his head. I pulled it out, and stabbed him in his heart.

I chuckled and shook my head as the body fell. "You aren't nearly as creepy or skilled as the other one I fought, and he wasn't all that good either! You guys must be such shames to the cultist name."

I could see the last ones eyes burning with fury. He exhaled and inhaled rapidly, showing just how p***ed he was.

  "I'm going to mutilate you!"

He sprinted at me, the hood over his head falling down. I tried to dodge, but he saw through me, and lunged his blade where my head ended up. The blade narrowly avoided my face; out of the corner of my eyes, I could pieces of my hair being cut, and falling down like nearly microscopic feathers.
I bent down, just as he swung to the right at my head once again. I could feel the blade barely touch the top of my head, but it was enough that it knocked my hat off, causing it it fall down onto the dirt. If I was any later at getting down, he would have cut into my scalp.
I shook my head, and looked back at my opponent, whose blade was pushing against my own. He stepped back, as I once again grabbed my dagger, but he learned all too quickly what my new tactics were. He grabbed my wrist, and twisted it. I hissed as he bent my wrist back, making me release the small weapon from my grasp.
He jumped to the side as he took another swing, this time lower down. The tip of the metal cut into my arm, but not too deep. I quickly turned, and hit his hand with my blade, making him let the weapon go. I kneed him in his stomach as hard as I could, knocking the wind out of him. He fell down to his knees, gasping for breath.
Taking the advantage, I kicked him in the bottom jaw, knocking out one his decaying teeth. As he now laid on the ground, dazed, I went back and grabbed my hat. I turned back to him as I put it back on. He spat out blood, as he attempted to sit back up.

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