Chapter 34

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I have decided to cut this chapter in half. I might upload the next chapter tomorrow.

Drake's point of view-

Grayson looked a bit shocked over his new discovery. The Order...the ones that protected the dragon egg for centuries was wiped out by the army that he commanded. At first I did not really know why he looked so surprised and made it a big deal, but then I realized...if he had not commanded that army, then there might have been a slim chance that the magi would have won. If the magi won that war, then the emperor never would have gotten the dragon egg, therefore Grayson never would have taken it...and his family would still be alive.
I put my hands into my pockets, still feeling a bit strange with the new clothing I wore. I could already feel my sweat from my illness seeping into the cloth, the feeling only slightly bothersome since I have had time to adjust to the feeling. My body started to burn more and my trembling resumed. My mouth burned and felt dry. My fever was coming up again, bringing pain into my body. I attempted to ignore it and focus on my companions. My head shook as I returned my attention to Grayson. I tried to collect a bit of saliva in my mouth before I spoke, attempting to get rid of the dry feeling on my tongue.

  "'s nice to learn some history, I suppose." I chuckled nervously.

Grayson closed the book, and swallowed a lump in his throat as he put it away. "Yeah...but... That's a lot for me to take in. I mean..." I could almost see tears welling up in his eyes, coming to the same conclusion that I had.

Isn't that unfortunate..?

You know, he never would have been though all of this pain and sorrow if you had never abandoned him when Armen died. His pain is...

"All my fault... I know." I mumbled, gaining the others attention but what I said must not have been clear enough, thankfully.

  We have been over this... I do not like being interrupted!

I screamed as I was hit by a splitting headache, causing everyone to jump in surprise. My chest and stomach were filled with a heavy pressure. My legs began to trembled beneath myself until they gave out, letting me fall to my sore, bruised knees. My arm rose up, covering my mouth as I started hacking violently until my throat felt as if it were being cut with shards of glass. I coughed until I could no longer breathe, removing my arm and gasping as my eyes teared up.
I gasped until I felt another wave of pressure rush upwards through my body. I gagged as I felt something rise in my chest and throat, leaning over and opening my mouth as blood, saliva and what little food I had left in my pour out from my stomach. Eventually my stomach was empty, my insides clenching and seizing futility. I sat backed up, gasping with tears in my eyes and burning heat rising in my face.
I looked down into the puddle of blood on the ground before me, barely able to see my reflection in red from my white blurry eyesight. I rubbed my eyes in attempt to clear them, able to get rid of the tears but the impairing blurring remained. I was light headed, my lungs gasping and wheezing until I was no longer dizzy and feeling as if I was going to pass out. I growled, looking down at my sleeve to see red now staining my brand new grey and black clothing.

"Aw man... I just got this!" I complained before letting out a sigh. "Oh well. It was bound to happen at some point or another."

Grayson approached me, patting my back before grabbing my arm and helping me back up to my shaking and swaying feet. The blonde asked if I was alright, to which I replied that I was fine, despite knowing that I was not. I suppose that we both should have known that I would mutter out that lie like I always did. I hesitantly lifted up my arm, taking a moment to look down at my new glove before finally wiping the blood away from my lips, smearing the red across the dark grey.

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