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Thank you everyone for the support! :D I am thinking about doing a Q&A and let me know if you would like a sequel or something. Picture above from CloudSorcerer28.

The years had passed by, life being fairly well considering the horrors that we had been through. It was peaceful for the most part, living our lives as normally as we could and moving on from those dark days. Although at times we still remembered, no longer haunted by a monster but by the memories of our days of suffering. But we had each other to help and comfort one another. We remained a family until the very end.
Some called me a god, a saint, others said that I was just Herobrine in disguise waiting to make my next move. I accepted the accusations, not caring about what anyone thought. With my abilities and the dragon, no one ever dared to try and take our empire down, not those who were smart enough at least.
I even became Grayson's next in line to the throne, a commander, a duke and then a heir, promising that I would take his place if he ever died before me. At first I was reluctant to accept but I eventually gave in.
Lalea and I were married and had a beautiful daughter whom we named Landen. She grew up into a beautiful, well behaved woman. She was so smart and kind to us, raised right despite my poor mental health. I loved her with all my heart.
Xavier and Endy were married as well, but they never had any children of their own. Mia continued with archeology and Nathan became one of the empire's most skilled generals. I never thought the kid would have it in him to get so far and grow so much. Also coming as a surprise, Jane became a spy once she was old enough, her own way of honoring her father and making him proud.
Years passed by, everyone seemingly getting older while I stayed the same. My fears were realized. I could not age. I was immortal. I could not find a way to reverse it and make myself mortal again. I did not have the diamonds, I could not find any spell. Heck, not even using a manyullyn blade on myself worked. It could hurt me but it could not...kill me. This was my eternal punishment...
Grayson grew old and became crippled, having lost the ability to stand on his good leg, eventually needing a wheelchair to get around. I stayed true to my promise...
He passed away from old age and I became the new king but fell into a deep depression. Not even my family or summoning Armen's spirit was enough to bring me out of it. Mia, as if her very name spelled out her destiny, went M.I.A on an archaeological mission. Not even I could track her or her team down. I heard rumors that she gave up life at the empire to become a pirate like her sister, but they were just rumors. Besides, why would she do that without telling me first?
Nathan was killed during battle after I became king, someone attacking us after years of peace. Xavier also died on the front line in a separate battle, then Endy fell into a depression. She never took her own life thankfully, and instead died of natural causes. Lalea, she died of old age as well, one of the last ones to leave me. I only had my daughter Landen and Jane left.
More years went by and I did everything I could to protect them and their families. I healed them when they were injured and sick, protected them when they were in trouble. Yet I could not move on from the family that I had lost. The depression from losing everyone never went away. Death is something you can not avoid, not any mortal at least. I resided my place as emperor and allowed my descendants rightfully claim it.
I watched society slowly rebuild itself, generations being born, growing up, and dying. Some people tried to worship me and pray to me, believing that I was God, but I made sure to always correct them.
Even with my power and efforts, I could not keep my bloodline alive. I still could not move on from the first friends that I had, the first people who I had called my family.
It was so hard...so hard to keep myself from becoming...like him. When I lost everyone, when I had nothing left to lose, I just wanted to take everything out on the world. I wanted to hurt someone so that I could enjoy their pain and ignore my own. How could I feel and want such horrible things? I broke down again, years ago, and I attacked a city, burned it to the ground. It did not make me feel better afterwards. Only so much worse.
I became what I never wanted to become...a true monster. Exactly like Herobrine. Then again, I already was just like that. A cruel, malevolent monster unworthy of life... A freak. A mistake.
Now here I stand in front of a series of graves that are centuries old. I made sure with all of my power that no one messed with them. They are big, a cemetery only for my family and friends, surrounded by trees and flourishing green grass. It is in the same place that we had buried Luke all those years ago. I was amazed to see how much a landscape could change in a few hundred years, the trees growing tall when there were none back when we fought the emperor that killed Grayson's family and Luke. I am standing in front of Lalea's grave, which is respectively next to our daughter Landen's. In order, the massive headstones started with Luke, where his body was and where I buried his hat years ago, then Grayson, Mia, Nathan, Xavier, Endy, and Jane. It was difficult to keep the family together since Jane died so long after the two of them. It then went from Jane, to Lalea, my daughter, and her son, and so on down the family line.
Now here I am alone, the last one. There from the beginning to the end. I stare down at their graves, too numb to cry as I remember the better days when we laughed and were happy. When for once, everything seemed right with the world. I smile, not noticing the tear running down my cheek. I am so sick of being alone, and even then I am never really alone. I have Armen whose spirit I can summon and all of these billions of people in the world, so why do I feel so empty? So tired of it all? So alone?
I look down at Lalea's grave, remembering our wedding day, and how scared I was the day Landen was born. I was a mess, even more so than Lalea! The corners of my lips perk up, a chuckle forcing its way up my throat. I just want to see her again. I just want to be happy again. But I have a plan...I have a plan to see her again, to see them all again!

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