Chapter 11

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I would like to thank AvaMarieSchneider and Note_Block5 for helping me with ideas for this chapter. You guys are are a really big help, so thank you both so much! :D
Some point of views are short in this chapter, so forgive me if it bothers you. Anyways, I hope you all like it! Enjoy!
The picture up above belongs to Note_Block5, who drew it for me, along with other pictures! I'm thinking about adding more of her pictures in the book.

Grayson's point of view-

It had been nearly a week since Herobrine last took control of Drake. He was in another coma, but it was somehow worse than when he was shot by the arrow. He had constant nightmares, but we knew that no matter how much we tried to shake him up, his eyes wouldn't open. He didn't wake up, and barely even moved, but he was constantly getting sick in his unconscious state. I usually left Mia alone to take care of him, but it was getting to a point where I was scared to even do that. So, we started taking turns on going out to get supplies, and watching over Drake and the "hideout".
I sat on the stone ground, listening to the rain and Drake's heavy breathing. I had my sword in my lap, hoping that no one who would pose a threat to us would show their faces. A few mercenaries had passed by here before but it was always while Mia was around, and and she always pleaded for me to leave them alone. It wasn't that she felt sympathy for them, it was because she knew that if we killed them, then eventually another one would come by, see the blood stained grass, and find us. I knew that she was right to leave them alone. It's better to be safe than sorry, I guess.
I looked down, my focus shifting itself away from Drake for a moment. I had on a different shirt; now wearing a gray and black striped sweater, but I still wore the the same old jacket, same old pants and same old boots. My scarf rested next to me, and despite that I was starting to get cold, I didn't put it back on. I was lost in thought as I looked at the object that I fiddled around with my hand, dragging me back to memories that will always haunt me.
I moved the golden ring from hand to hand, stroking the gold and the diamond with my fingers. I remembered putting that ring on, and looking up at Clara's smiling face as we said our vows, and kissed, becoming one. The joy of that day will forever be clouded with sorrow. I'm the reason I'll never see that gorgeous smile again. I shook my head, putting the ring back into my backpack, and taking my sword back in my grasp.

I looked up at Drake, letting out a sigh of boredom and irritation. "C'mon, buddy...wake up already. I'm tired of you worrying me like this."

He rested in the same spot, with his back against the rough stone wall. His skin on his human half looked even more pale then when we had come here, but his ear and nose were still red, and dark rings were still around his eyes. I knew that those must have been caused by stress. An old, torn up wet rag rested on his head, trying to cool down his burning forehead. I could see that it was drying off, and his forehead was getting more red from the heat returning. I put my sword down, standing up and walking over to him.
Touching the cloth, I put my sword back into its sheath. I took the cloth, and walked to the opening of the cave, holding it out so the rain hit it. I could feel it become cold as the freezing water was absorbed into it, the water dripping down my hand. I pulled it back in, ringing out the excess water out. Going back to Drake, I placed it back on his forehead, and stared down at him. I just wanted him to open his eyes.
I sighed again, giving up on waiting. I sat back down directly across from Drake, grabbing my scarf, and using it to rub the water off of my hand. The skin turned red, and became hard to move from how cold it was. I could hear hail begin to hit the ground outside, some pieces bouncing and getting into the cave.

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