Chapter 13

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Once again, thank you AvaMarieSchneider for the help with the nightmare scene in this chapter!
Now, this chapter was really fun to write, honestly. I hope you all enjoy it!

Third person point of view-

The emperor sat on his throne, sipping from his chalice that was once filled with red wine. He felt as the sensation of liquid on his tongue stopped. He lifted it up, displeased to see only the golden bottom of the chalice. He lifted up his hand, waving it as if he was greatly board.

  "Get me some more wine!" He demanded one of his servants.

A female took the chalice from his hands, and bent her knees, bowing to him. "Yes, sire." She said, before turning on her heels and began walking to the palace wine pantry.

The emperor crossed his legs, and looked down at the elves sitting by his side. "Today is a boring day, is it not?" He asked.

One of the elves with black hair spoke, knowing that when the emperor asked something, you must answer. "Yes, your highness."

The servant came back, holding out a dish with his chalice on it. She bent her knee, bowing as she held it up, closing her eyes and putting her head to avoid eye contact with him. He took it in his grasp, and waved his hand to her, telling her to step down and move along. She nodded, and left the great hall, into the grand kitchen to clean the dirty dishes. The emperor swirled the drink around in his cup, speaking as he looked at the wine inside of it.

  "Well, worry not. My new little prize should be arriving today."

The trophy elves did not look up at him. They remained sitting there, with only their thoughts to comfort them. Then as if on cue, all of their heads shot up, and gazed upon the large palace doors as they swung open. The emperor put down his drink, and placed his hands on the armrest of his throne, as he watched his new found prize being dragged into the main hall.
Drake walked, still blindfolded and gagged, being pulled by the long chains and shackles on his wrist. His body was shaking, and he was having trouble breathing from his illness, but he was also in pain from the constant beatings he had received on the airship, and as they were dragging him off of it. The emperor stood, walking closer to the bound Enderman hybrid, with a wide smile and a devious expression in his eyes. The mercenaries kicked Drake behind his legs, forcing him to fall down to his knees. The hybrid fell with a grunt.

  "So marvelous!" The emperor said, bending down so that he was at eye level with the hybrid.

His fingers rose up, grabbing Drake's chin with his thumb and index finger. He lifted up his head, and lifted up the blindfold so that it rested on his sweaty forehead. He was delighted to see such a creature in the flesh. Drake glared at him, eyes full of anger and hatred, but deep down inside of them, there was despair.

  "So all of the stories I've heard are true! You do have the eye of the malevolent one. Him. Still, I wonder if you truly possess his destructive power."

For a second, his smile faded, but it quickly returned. "No matter. You'll be my most valuable trophy! First off, for the first few days, you'll be living down in the dungeon. You'll be taken to professor Gidion's lab every two hours for experimental purposes."

Drake only stared at the vile man, filled with disgust with the knowledge of what this man had done to his best friend. His heavy breathing was shallow. Each breath burned the inside of his mouth, as it came out and brushed on the emperor's face. The emperor brought up his other hand, tracing Drake's skin where Ender and human met. The strange texture of his Enderman side was almost reptilian, and rougher than the skin on his human side. The dark circles around his eyes made they sight of his mismatched orbs even more menacing yet intriguing. Drake winced, disgusted with the man's touch. He wanted to spit on his shoes but the gag prevented him from doing so. He wanted to attack him if he could, but the mercenaries and the guards would react, and surely make him pay the consequences.

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