Chapter 29

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I finally got a Deviantart account!! I'm thinking about posting this story there. I'm not really that good of an artist as of now, so I most likely won't post much art anyway...
And once again, my apologies for getting this chapter out late. I feel bad about it but you guys are so forgiving, and I love that about ya!! :D Half way through this chapter I rushed it a bit and I'm not too proud of that. I should have cut it into two parts, but if felt weird doing that ._.

Grayson's point of view-

"Grayson..." A voice called out from the darkness, whispering; sounding as if it was struggling to speak.

"Be happy..." I recognized that disembodied voice instantly. Luke..?

"After all... I'm finally getting what I deserve...Suffering...I deserve this, don't I?"

I jolted awake, sitting straight up and hyperventilating as I was brought back to consciousness. I could feel sweat rolling down my face and the freezing cold air around my aching body. My lungs were causing me to hyperventilate and my head began to spin, a nauseous feeling lingering in my stomach. Only when a spike of pain shot up in my side did I fully awake.
My eyes widened and vision cleared when I looked down at my bloodstained shirt. I hissed in pain as I lifted up the cloth, gazing down at my dressed wound. The fatal wound was stitched close, which definitely saved my life. My fingers twitched as I tried to resist the urge to scratch it. My hand did touch it for a moment, but I pulled it away and grunted in pain.
I sat there staring at the ground until my breathing settled and the pain eased. I was on top of my sleeping bag, the zipper closed underneath me and my body not within its warmth. Alright, I suppose they just wanted me to be out here in the cold! My body shivered with my skin covered in goosebumps and my also skin seemed to be paler than it usually was. Most likely from blood loss. My breath continued to cloud in front of my eyes with my every exhale, and my teeth chattered as I shivered.
My breath then caught in my throat as memories from before I passed out began to flash through my mind. I remembered him jumping out in front of me before the emperor was able to bring one of his blades down upon me for a fatal blow. My eyes teared up as I remembered holding Luke in my arms as he died in my grip. Pain filled my chest as I looked down to see his blood staining my clothing. A tear fell from my eye, my breathing becoming unsteady once more.
My hand pulled the penguin hat out from my satchel, once again looking down upon it and letting memories flow of who was both my former enemy and my comrade. A wave of grief washed over me, causing my body to feel heavy with sorrow. I tried not to let myself shed tears again, but I was unsuccessful. There was a silence in the air, only hearing the light breeze, my sniffing and heavy breathing, one set of heavy breath not coming from my own body.
I turned my head with a light gasp when my eyes rested on the living body lying to my left. Drake was on his own sleeping back, his body so bloody that the red was overtaking the blue of his clothing. His eyes were still dark and baggy, even in his unconscious state. His pale skin finally had some slight color on his nose and cheeks, sweat rolling down his face from a fever.
Bandages also covered his body, most of the dressing more red than they were white. There was a rip on his shoulder, with bandages underneath that was soaked in red. There was a small, barely visible ridge on his skin beneath the bandages that made it seem like a wound on his shoulder was stitched close. Bandages covered in crimson on the left side of his head were also present. He's been hit in the head so many times that I am surprised that he has not gotten a concussion yet, and I hope that this time he still has yet to receive one.

"Drake?" I whispered out, checking to see if he was truly awake, but he did not bat an eye or stir even the slightest. Yet his eyelids had a slight movement as if he was panicked, most likely having a nightmare.

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