Chapter 24

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I feel bad for getting this chapter out so late. Just so you know, I don't have a phone or data, so working on it while I'm not at home is difficult. I'm sure many of you have that but unfortunately, I don't.
Once again I'm not too proud of it but I hope you all enjoy!
Luke's point of view-

I aimed the eye of the crossbow in my hands at the bird that sat on a branch of a tall tree. My finger rested on the trigger, complete silence filling the air. It was calm, with nothing that I knew of to startle the creature. I took in a deep breath and let it out, before pulling the trigger.
The arrow flew out from the weapon, the arrow head striking the bluebird in its wide white chest. It died almost instantly, or at least I hope it did. I really didn't want to murder a beautiful creature like that, but I was willing in order to get food for us. With the shortage of fruits growing up north in the winter, hunting was the next best option. We had to get anything that would give us enough energy to strive throughout the remainder of the day.
I smiled, happy with getting a kill on the first try. Military training really has paid off! I put the crossbow down, looking over to my friend with a smile. He looked at me with his green eyes that were slowly becoming less bloodshot, and a grin on his pale face. I actually kind of missed his creepy smile, but after what happened I'm kind of scared that he will never smile like that again.

"Got it!" I cheered, taking one backpack strap off of my shoulder to put the crossbow away.

He chuckled before he spoke, his voice still a bit choked up from earlier. "Good job, buddy. Say, where did ya get that crossbow?"

I shrugged, taking one strap of my backpack off of my shoulders, opening it up to put the weapon away. "I took it from Nathan while he was unconscious."

  "Nathan?" The spy questioned, still unfamiliar with the mercenary's name.

After I put the crossbow away, I stood up, putting the backpack strap on my shoulder again and started to walk to where my kill laid dead. "He's that mercenary kid I took back to the cave. You saw him, right?"

He nodded, rubbing his head like he was in pain. "Oh, right. Yeah."

I frowned, letting out a sigh. After what happened last night, I am really worried about his mental state. Sure, he was crazy before, but I'd rather have the crazy or "overly enthusiastic" Xavier than a depressed Xavier. I don't know what it is like to lose a lover, but I do know that it hurts. I've seen that same pain in Grayson's eyes so much. I know how much it can change you.
I looked back ahead of myself, the trees now blocking the sunlight from hitting us. It was freezing, and I was beginning to be able to see my own breath in the air. My bruised chest was still aching from the airship crash, but at least I was able to breathe now.
The leaves and pines on the oak and pine trees swayed in the cold breeze that sent goosebumps up my arms. I was surprised that the trees hadn't shed their leaves yet, but it seemed that many of the leaves on the oak trees were beginning to change color.
I walked a bit faster than Xavier, which I expected. I looked over my shoulder again, but didn't stop walking. I saw him rubbing the bloodstained bandages on his head, his eyes tearing up in pain.

"You okay, buddy?" I asked on instinct, my paste slowing down.

His arm fell back down to his side, his body still trembling uncontrollably. He sniffed up mucus, his nose and ears red from a fever caused by the concussion. He wasn't standing steadily on his feet, so I walked back over to him just incase he was going to fall over. He took a step away from me, grunting.

He finally replied, his minor brain injury giving him a stutter in his speech. "My head h-hurts and I f-feel like I'm gonna th-throw up. Wait...w-what are we doing out here again?"

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