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It was Day two and still (no surprise at all) I wanted to kill myself.

After hearing the doorbell ring while I was still in slumber, I knew that it was a dead zone for me. I already knew who at the door to come asking about formulas and multiplication. Just add that to the list of things I do not care about.

Saving me from having to open it (due to me being still in pjs), my mother strolls past me and opens the door herself.

"Jack, honey, come in! Thank you again for this. I can not thank you enough", my mother greets him opening the door wide enough for him enter the house.

I just roll my eyes. I didn't understand why she took a liking to Jack. Even when he was putting in that act, I still would even want to talk to him.

"No problem Mrs. Gonzalez. Whatever it takes to help", he smiles a fake smile.

I roll my eyes and huff.

"Sweetheart", my mother says looking at me.

I wait a minute before answer. "I'm sorry I thought you were talking to Jack. I'm not use to having pet names like I'm loved."

"Aren't you going to change into something more presentable?" She asks ignoring my first quest to aggravate her.

"Why? So I can just rip it right off after he's gone. I'm inside our house not a fancy restaurant. I think I'm good."

"Fine, fine, fine. God forbid I ask you a simple regular question." She says grabbing her bag along with her keys. "Gabrielle, I will be at the market. After Jack leaves make sure everything is set for tomorrow night."

"Sure", I huff.

She gives Jack one last warm smile before exiting the house leaving the two of us alone.

"Where are you going tomorrow?" Jack questions.

"None of your business. Can we just start this tutoring thing?"

He rolls his eyes but says nothing. He takes out his notebook and we start.

Hours later I still don't understand math and it's problems leaving both of us aggravated.

"Gabs it's so simply. Just plug in the numbers and turn it into an equation!"

"Ew. Do not call me that. That's not my name and I'm sorry. Not everyone's a math wiz like you."

Since I could remember, Jack had been calling me Gabs since the day I met him. Why he took fascination in that stupid nickname? That is still to be determined. As much as I think it is to piss me off, he still holds on to it like it has meaning. I just wish he would stop calling me that god awful nickname.

"Can you stop being such a big baby and just do it, Gabs."

"What did I just say!"

"I swear Gabs if you don't—"

"Stop calling me that!" I stand up from my chair and walk away to my room.

I close the door behind me and flop on my bed. I can't handle this. It's too stressful. It's stupid. I don't want to do this.

My door burst opens and there before me was an angry Jack.

"You can't just go running anyway from everything you don't like or don't want to do. Where is that going to get you in life? Do you want to be working a McDonald's for the rest of your life because that's what it's looking to turn out to be."

"Because I won't do some stupid math problem?!! Are you serious?! You know how stupid you sound. No math problems going to define my life and if you don't know that then I don't know why your my math tutor."

He steps closer to me as I stand up from my bed.

"Gabs just finish up the problem and this will all be over."

"That's not my name!" I step closer practically in his face.

"I'll call you whatever I want."

"Over my dead body."

We look into each others eyes full of angry but yet our lips collide and the anger vanishes. I stumble over a bit before I'm pressed against the wall with Jack Gilinsky's lips crushing against mine.


I know what your thinking. Wow that was fast pacing. I know I know but I just thought it would be better this way. Although built up is probably more interesting, this isn't going to be a long book at all. At least that's not what I'm planning. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted or was looking for. I'm open to any suggestions. But for right now, this is how I'm going. Without further notice, you guys have a great wonderful day or night wherever you are and stay safe. Xxx


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