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I counted down the days stupidly for how long I hadn't seen Jack. It had been a week precisely. I hadn't talk to him after that kiss we shared and I intended to keep it that way.

I regretted kissing him back. I regretted liking it. That was a stupid bold move that I wish I had never made.

It was embarrassing as it was already. How could I literally kiss my enemy? Someone who was always making snarky comments and had nothing nice to say. You can say, the least, I tried acting like nothing ever happened but everyone knows that that never works out in the end. It was hard anyway. Not when I saw him everyday.

Everyone little look killed me each day knowing that he also pretended like nothing ever happened. Did he like it? He couldn't have. If he did he wouldn't be ignoring me.

I just wanted to pretend it never happened but I didn't. I wanted to talk about it with him. I wanted to know why he did it.

I shove my books into my locker and gather my things for my next class. Math class it was. The same very class I had with Jack.

I see him walking down the hallway but I turn away and pretend that I was looking for something in my locker. He looked mad and I didn't exactly want to talk to him right at the moment. If I was going to talk to him, we were going to be alone with no distraction and precisely no teenagers who were roaming around who could easily ease drop our conversation at any given moment.

I close my locker door assuming Jack had already passed by, but my eyes instantly meet angry ones almost knocking my things down.

"What the hell", I say aggravated but jumped from him scaring me.

"We need to talk."

"About?" I ask pretending like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Don't act dumb. You know what."

"Jack I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. You can't just come up demanding that we talk and expect me to know what on earth you are babbling on about."

"Why did you kiss me?"

"What? I didn't kiss you, you kissed me!" I say shocked on how he accused me of something he did first.

"That's not what happened. I think I would know and you definitely kissed me first."

"Jack now you are just making up stuff. I didn't even think about kiss you that night. You can't just blame everything on me. I get that you regret it—"

"Who said I said that?"

"Jack I'm not even going to feed into you anymore. This is ridiculous. I just need you to pass Math and then we can never speak to each other again. Doesn't that sound nice?"

Jack just rolls his eyes. "Maybe if you tried paying attention in class, you would understand the material. The teacher goes over it. Kind of their job."

"I do pay attention! She just doesn't explain it well enough", I huff crossing my arms. "Anyways how would you know? You're not even in my class", I say knowing very well he was in my class.

"Actually Gabs, I am. Thanks for noticing." He rolls his eyes.

"My name is Gabrielle. Ga-b-ri-ell-e. Please say it correctly or don't say it at all", I snap. "And how was I suppose to know. I'm too busy paying attention in class."

"Is that why you are always messing around with Ashton Irwin?"

"What are you talking about? We barely even talk."

"That's bullshit. I see you guys talk everyday."

"Why does it matter to you? I snap. I was getting aggravated fast and all I really wanted to do was just go to my class before the late bell rang.

"It doesn't. I'm just saying if you want to pass the class then maybe you shouldn't always be focused on your boyfriend all the time."

"He isn't my boyfriend."

"Whatever, that wasn't my point. My point is stop complaining and pay attention and then maybe you would understand what the hell is going on in class."

"Excuse me are you my mother? What I do is none of your concern. You know what, just leave me alone. I don't need this and I don't need you."

I walked off, scurrying to my last class of the day which I knew Jack and I shared together. It made me mad on how he could accuse me and make it seem like I was the bad guy and the critics me. He doesn't know anything about me or my life. He was just trying to get to me. Well it was working.

I walked in and took a seat, instantly running my hands through my hair. I hated how he got to me. It was so frustrating. I was so frustrated.

I waited, keeping my eye on the door, getting ready to see Jack stroll in any minute but it got later and soon enough the late bell rang and the door closed. I knew he was lying to me. Before I could rest my case my ass got caught in my throat and in came Jack.

He had a plain neutral face on like nothing happened. I watched as he took a seat in the back, not looking at me at all.

I roll my eyes and keep my attention straight forward as class continued.


(a/n: Wow so much stuff happened. If you don't understand, here, let me elaborate: Gabrielle is like why did Jack kiss me I don't understand but I kind of liked it and I'm just confused and Jack is being an asshole and blaming it on her but he did make some valid points on how she never pays attention in class. But that also means he pays attention to her wink wink. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and continue on reading the book. I'm sorry that's it's a little rough in the beginning and not long chapters but that will change. And I'm sorry that I kind of just got into it. I don't know I just wanted to try something different. If you don't like that then I'll will make a note for future references but anyways that's all I have to say. I hope you guys have a great wonderful day or night wherever you are and stay safe. Love you guys so much and so grateful to have each and everyone of you be apart of this crazy journey. Much love xxx.)

- bri

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