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"Why did you tell Jack that we were going somewhere after this?" Ashton asks as he drives us home. I really didn't want to talk about it. This whole night had been horrible from the start. I knew we shouldn't have come.

"Because I wanted prove him wrong."

"You sure do care what he thinks", he says quietly and I turn to look at him surprise.

He can't seriously think that.

"I don't. Ashton I don't even like the guy. You know that, right?"

He huffs. "Yeah sure." He stops the engine as we arrive at my house it already being a little past 10.

I get out the car not bothering to say goodbye nor look back. Ashton needs to stop being so worried about Jack. I don't even care about him. I don't even like Jack. He makes me so aggravated. He doesn't appreciate anything. He's a pain in my ass. How could Ashton have a reason to think that I would actually care about that little fucker when all he did to me was torture me.

I was glad it the weekend. I wasn't ready to face Ashton or Jack. I needed time to myself.

(a/n: in case there's any confusion., the weekend is over and it's Monday now. i should of clarified it when i publish this chapter but i didn't so get tf over it.)


I wake up feeling a little more better than the last few days. I had time alone and it felt great. I wasn't crowded by Ashton's worries or questions and I wasn't consumed with Jacks idiotic comments and answers.

I hop off my bed and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair.

I wonder what Jacks doing and why he had to leave early that Friday night. It made me angry how Madison thought she owned him. I can spent all the time I want with him if I liked. She wasn't my mother.

I finish up in the bathroom and throw on the cloths that were waiting on my dresser. I head downstairs making myself a quick meal before gathering my things and heading to the bus stop.

After being on the smelly bus for twenty minutes we arrive at school and I hurry up and hop off.

I can't wait to get my own car. I can't stand riding that filthy bus.

I head to my locker seeing Jack leaning against obviously waiting for me.

I really didn't want to talk to him. I roll my eyes as I get closer.

"What's wrong?" Jack ask finally breaking the silence.

"Nothing." I huff. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Madison told me how you attacked her in the bathroom." He says quietly.

I turn to looks at him. He can't be serious. That fucking bitch.

"Are you kidding me? I didn't do shit. She got all psycho with me because she thought I was a threat to her which I tried to assure her I wasn't." I close my locker door and head to class before the late bell rings.

"Well that's not what she said."

"Fuck what she said honestly. You know, being together for a while I would assume you would know me by now."

"Gabrielle.." Jack yells but I ignore him and head to class.

"Idiot." I whisper under my breath.

(a/n: another edit. wow I am so lame and totally not funny but I felt like sharing so haha?)

- bri

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