twenty four

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"Where are we going?" I ask as Jack pulls in into what looks like an closed amusement park.

"You'll see."

We pull into a parking lot and I have to stop myself from questioning Jack. What the hell are we doing?

"Come on." He opens up the door and waits until my feet touch the ground for him to pull me away from the little park before we go into the woods.

"Please what ever you do, do not kill me in the woods."

He chuckles and my heart races.

"What makes you think I'm going to kill you?"

"Because we are walking straight into the woods and you're looking at me with dark eyes."

"Maybe because you turn me on."

I blush and look away, clearing my throat.

Finally he stops and we are needed with an open space full of grass. He pulls out a blanket from his bag that I hadn't notice he was caring and sets it on the ground.

I smile lightly. "Are we having a picnic?"

"Yes Gabrielle, we are." He smiles brightly and I can't help but laugh at how cute he is.

He pulls a blanket out from his bag that I didn't even notice he was carrying before placing it in the ground gently.

Gesturing for us to sit down, I cross my legs and take a seat. The air feels cool though I still should of brought a jacket. I curse myself for not.

"I brought food."

"Cool. What'd you bring?"

"McDonalds." He smiles widely pulling out two burgers.

I shake my head laughing. "Don't you know anything about picnics?"

He shrugs. "Don't have sex on the first date."

I shake my head and he hands me a burger.

He lays down and I watch as his shirt lifts up slightly, tracking his toned skin.

I quickly tear my eyes away and look down at my burger unwrapping it.

I bring my legs to my chest, taking a bite.

"I feel so much better already." I admit. It hasn't even been 10 minutes and everything has been so relaxing. I feel safe with Jack.

"I always feel better when your around." He whispers softly.

Silence takes over us and I feel myself growing nervous.

I move my body towards Jack, laying my head on his chest.

"Wanna ask questions about each other?" I ask playing around with his shirt.

"So basically 20 question?" He lifts his eyebrows.

"Yeah expect there unlimited questions."

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