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I wait for the bell to ring signaling school is over with. I'm too tired to organize my papers so I just shove them in my bag. Today has thankfully gone by fast and not much has happened.

We all decide we were going to eat out at Five Guys and Ashton agreed to pick me up at 5.

The bell rings and I curse at myself for having to take the bus home. It wasn't long before I was at my house.

I enter the house and run straight to my room. I can't believe I'm even doing this in the first place. I should of backed out when I had the chance.

I throw on a stripped color turtle neck and a black skirt. I didn't want to dress up too much but I did want to be at least casual dressed. I throw on my combat boots and let my hair fall loose down before texting Ashton to get me.

I didn't have a swell feeling in my stomach about this whole double date thing. In fact I was very pessimistic to the whole idea.

Finally Ashton's arrives and the drive to the restaurant is quick.

We walk hand in hand towards the restaurant and I can't help but feel a little nervous.

I spot Jack instantly with what I assume is his girlfriend. They walk toward us and I have to stop myself from comparing her. She is so pretty.

"So this is the girl you have been spending your time with." She skims me up and down before smiling. "I'm Madison." She pulls me in for a hug which I accept.

Something about her I didn't like but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Well let's go in", Ashton gestures and we all nod in agreement before heading inside. The restaurant isn't as crowded as I suspected it would be but it is quite noisy.

We stand by for the waitress to show us to our table and fifteen minutes later we small talk while we wait for our main entree.

"Do you have a job Ashton?" Madison questions. She's been asking questions all night.

"No, not currently. Still looking."

"Figures", Jack whispers under his breath and I shoot him a glare.

I kick him under the table gesturing him to be nice to Ashton.

He just rolls his eyes and continues with his conversation.

"We're going to go powder our noses. We'll be right back." Madison announces.

She takes my arm and leads us to the bathroom.

"You know I've heard a lot about you. Jack seems to...rant on."

"What does he say?"

"That you aggravate him and you never listen."

I roll my eyes. Of course he would say something negative about me.

She digs into her purse pulling out her lipstick and applying it to her lips.

"Look I understand you need some help on your homework and you need Jack but it's really cutting a wedge between me and him. Couldn't you get someone else to tutor you?"

Why would I be a threat to her? I'm nothing compared to her. Didn't she just say how he was saying how annoying I was? It irritates me how she thinks just because she's having problems that I can't have Jack.

"I'm sorry that your having problems with Jack but I'm not going to stop seeing because of it."

Why would I?

"I don't think you heard me clearly, stay away from Jack."

"Or what? You'll ruin my life. You can't do anything. I'm sorry you and Jack are having problems but that has nothing to do with me."

I begin to walk away but she yells out even more.

"It has everything to do with you! Every since you came into his life, he has been distance."

"Did you ever care to think that maybe he's just not that into you?" (a/n: yes I went there. ;))

I walk out the bathroom and head back to the table where I see Ashton and Jack talking. Maybe they finally got along.

"Where's Madison?" Jack ask.

"She's still in lady's room. She'll be out in any moment now."

I knew there was something I didn't like about her. She was a total bitch. How could she think that I'm ruining her relationship with Jack? I mean nothing to him and he means nothing to me. I can't explain those moments where things went a little to far but only say it was in the heat of moment.

She comes back like our little discussion in the bathroom never happened and whispers something into Jacks ear before they both get up and take out money.

"I'm sorry we will have to be going. Something came up but this" Jack says politely and I have to mentally stop myself from bursting out laughing at his bullshit of a lie.

"That's okay. The night can't last forever."

"Well aren't you taking Gabrielle out. That should be fun."


"Oh I didn't know we were going somewhere?" Ashton says looking at me puzzled.

My face turns red and Jack just smirks. "Sorry I guess I got mixed with the wrong person. See you guys later."

And with that he strolled out the door with his bitch of a girlfriend.

(a/n: so that^ was my first edit i made and i think it was pretty lit

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(a/n: so that^ was my first edit i made and i think it was pretty lit. im lame but appreciate me.)

- bri

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