Chapter three- Don't Move

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who reads this <3

Chapter 3. MITM

AN: Theres a lot of Mitch's POV here. Hope that's okay. Hope you like it! :)


I saw them cuddling and quickly turned my back on them. I wasn't going to think about it... I couldn't. I just have to remember she's my best friend and I'm happy for her. I'm glad she found someone she loves. I just have to remember.... But I can't.....


I was the last one up. Luckily, The guys didn't feel like pranking today, so I was safe for a day.

"Hey sleepy dood!" Jerome said as I walked in.

"Hey dood." I replied and scratched the back of my neck.

"Hey Jerome, didn't you set up Lexi and Mitch?" Ty asked.

"Uhhhh yeah why?" Jerome asked, confused.

Ty nodded to me. "Sparklez here had his eyes on that girl. Well.... So did everyone actually but yknow." Ty shrugged.

"Oh my god Jordan I'm soooo sorry! I didn't know! I never would have set them up if I had known! Oh god I feel terrible!" Jerome started to freak out.

"Whoa dood calm down! It's all good! It's not the end of the world!" I said, laughing at his weirdness.

"Seriously man I had no idea I'm really sorry." He said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright man you didn't know." I shrugged and walked away to see Lexi and Mitch kissing on the couch. I immediately turned and walked the other way. I couldn't take this anymore. I ran upstairs and into my room. It probably looked pretty childish, but I didn't care at this point. I face-planted onto my bed and sighed. I wasn't going to cry, I just needed to think.

After a while I heard a knock on my door. I didn't change my position, just yelled into the bed.

"It's open!"


I was seriously worried about Jordan. He ran upstairs like 2 hours ago and no ones seen him since. I walked upstairs and to his door and knocked on it. After a moment, I heard a very muffled, "it's open." From inside. Oh no...

I walked inside and saw Jordan flat on the bed, face down. I walked over to him and made him sir up. He looked so tired....

"Dude what the heck happened?" I asked quietly. He just shrugged and sighed.

"It's nothing...." He replied quietly.

"Dude seriously, what the f*** is happening?" I asked once more. He sighed again.

"I loved Lexi, okay?" He confessed.

"W.... Wait.... But she's datin Mitch...." I said, confused.

"I know! But I was going to ask her out then they got together!" Jordan said and put his head in his hands.

"Oh my gosh man I'm so sorry...." I said quietly. "But please, come back down. Everyone's really worried!"

He nodded and got up, rubbing his eyes, and walked out the door.

"Wait" I said and quickly fixed up his hair.

"OOOOKAY that was strange... Lets go." He said, trying to be more cheery. I smiled and walked down with him.

"There you are! Everyone was worried sick Jordy!" Lexi said and hugged Jordan.

"Jordy?" I asked, holding back a laugh.

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