ANOTHER AN: Sequel Information

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Hey guys! *freaky MattG124 hand thing* (If you don't watch him on YouTube, go look him up now like seriously) So as you guys know, we've...

1. Hit 100K reads!!!

And 2. We are making a sequel! Or... I am... with the help of ideas from y'all... WHATEVER. WE ARE.

So I thought I'd go ahead and give you some insight on the next story. I'd love to cut down on the characters, as I'm having a hard time doing the dialogue and actions. I keep forgetting characters, like Sawyer in the last chapter was no where to be seen. (SORRY SAWYER) She should have been at the mall with Lexi and the rest. But it's not just the OCs. I might cut out some of the youtubers also. Like Perston (I meant to do that X3) or something. IDK though because then Aster would leave. Everyone is tied to the story somehow. If you guys know how I could make the dialogue easier at least, please put it down below, because it's getting hard to focus on the story and spreading out the dialogue. Also, I'm not taking characters for the next story. I've been getting many E-mails. PMs and eve KIK messages with character descriptions. I will notify you guys if this changes, but for now, I'm not taking character descriptions. :) Sorry!

Also, I have a really cool cover art made for the sequel! It's not a definite, but it's in the lead to be the cover! Thanks MangoKiwi! I'll attach the speedart video over there so you guys can watch the AMAZINGNESS!!! Anyway, the cover contest is still going on, but I'm having trouble with the name...

I need to take a vote. Here's the choices:

Minecraft in the Afternoon

Minecon At Midnight

I know it's only two, but I had to narrow it down! Cover makers, send me some covers for whichever title you like! Whichever one either gets the most votes or I get the best cover(s) for, will be the name! So get to cover making guys! Send them in to either one of my KIKS: pennystokes or Youtubeforlife_ OR you can email it to me at Either one is fine! :)

I can't exactly tell you the plot, because it gives away the ending to MITM, and plus I want to keep you guys excited for the sequel! But just know, it's a big mixture of things you guys have said! I've read all your suggestions and put some together! Put any more ideas below, also! (Don't worry, I'm adding my own ideas too. Credit will be given to all rightful idea owners. :) )

So yeah! That's the info for the sequel. Are you guys ready? I know I am! Something else I wanted to talk about, is the amount of reads we've gotten! It's way over nine thousand, I'll tell you that! We hit ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND READS! THAT'S THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER HEARD/SEEN/SLURPED

wait what

Seriously though, you guys are the most amazing people ever. You've supported me throughout this whole thing, and I just want to give each and every one of you a big THANK YOU! I couldn't have done this without you guys. It means so much to have your support. <3 I don't know how I can repay you, so how about you guys tell me? Tell me down in the comments something I can do to repay you guys for this AWESOME milestone!

So, thank you guys for reading and staying with me throughout this Author's Note, I'm very sorry this isn't an update, but I had to get this info to you somehow. I'm also sorry to say that the next update might actually take a while, massive writer's block (procrastination) on my end, so I'm very sorry. I hope it goes away soon! If you're missing this story that much (lol I doubt it) then go back to the last chapter where I attached my FIRST MULTIMEDIA! It's Jordan's outro, Top of the World! I love it so much like just yes. <3 Go give it a listen!

OH BEFORE I GO! I should be posting videos on my YouTube channel soon! It will be a mostly MineCraft channel, so I'll tell you when my first video is up! Maybe you guys will subscribe when there is? I dunno, either way this is too long. IF YOU CANT WAIT FOR THE SEQUEL, SLAAPPPP DAT VOTE BUTTON WITCHYA FOREHEAD! AND, BYE!  

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