AUTHORS NOTE OF THE END- Read this also mom and dad

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So uhm...



Okay so I was typing up the last chapter, and I actually got a bit teary eyed. Like, I've been writing this for a year. (Yes I know, that's way too long to be writing one story.) I never thought I'd actually finish it, it was unthinkable when I started it. I'm going to tell you the story of MITM, if thats alright.

I started writing it last summer, when I was very bored one day after watching all the latest videos in my subscriptions. (That would be impossible to do now XD) So I checked my wattpad, smoshloverforever. I was extremely obsessed with Smosh at the time, don't ask... I saw that my Smosh fanfic was getting like almost 100 reads after only a month. I freaked. I decided to write another fanfic, about minecraft youtubers. They were, and are, my latest obsession. I wrote about the people I had crushs on at the moment: CaptainSparklez and BajanCanadian. You can actually watch my crush change throughout the story though.. Heh...

Anyways, I wrote the first chapter. And the second. A couple chapters later, (when I posted once or twice a day) I was in Florida. I was there with my fifth grade teacher and her daughter. I wrote half of the time, being the antisocial recluse I am. That's when I got 1,000 reads, and it was so fast! I flipped out, my parents can tell you. It was amazing. I changed my name to Youtubeforlife when I got back from Florida, and I wrote more. I kept gaining reads and votes. It was amazing. I couldn't fathom into words how appreciative I was, and I still can't.

Here I am, a year later, with 320K+ reads. 5K+ votes. Its amazing. I read every single comment you guys write, and they are all amazing. I cant believe the undying support you guys gave me. Even my parents.

~~~FOR MY PARENTS~~~ (readers can read it too, haha!)

My parents, mo and dad, Mother and Papa Wolf, you guys are amazing. You're so supportive, and I can't believe it. I was traumatized when you guys learned that I was writing a fanfiction, but now it was the best thing that's happened to me. You guys have supported me so much throughout this book, and I can't thank you enough. You guys support me with every decision I make, like writing fanfiction, writing regular stories, drawing, and even YouTube. I love you guys so much. You are the most amazing parents a girl could ask for.

Mom, you have helped me through everything. Every time I came home crying because someone threatened me, or I was tripped, or because someone said something mean, you would march over to the school and demand that the child be punished. You put up with my constant fangirl talk, my constant gaming, my constant loud music. You have reminded me that I need to be the best person I can be, and that the best person I can be is myself. It honestly surprised me when you said you'd go to ArcadiaCon with me, when you laughed at the jokes, when you put up with my shaking when I met everyone. When you let me ramble to you. All of my late night panic attacks, my late night talks with friends that turn wrong so quickly. You always understand, or at least try. I couldn't ask for a better mom, or even describe one.. I love you so much.

Now for my dad. Dad, you are amazing. You keep me healthy, you keep a roof over my head, you have helped me so much. You inspired me to start writing with the way you would talk about the stories you always wanted to write. (I am writing them, by the way. for you.) I have always been so happy whenever you read over my writing and tell me its amazing, whenever you approve of a drawing, whenever you show that you support me. Dad, you are amazing, you are awesome. You are a jokester, and so is mom. You both inspired my funny,  joking side. You are the one that works day and night, as hard as you can, to make sure we can keep a roof over our heads. And thats amazing. You care about us so much, you support both Blake and I, (so does mom) and I can never thank you enough. I love you so much dad, I couldn't ask for or even describe a better dad.

You guys are the best parents I could ask for. Thank you so much for supporting and continuing to support me. I know you guys are afraid of me growing up, afraid I'm drifting away from you. I promise I'm not. I am always going to be okay with saying I love you guys in public, and I'm not ashamed for people to know it. (If it isnt already obvious, since I AM writing this out on my favorite website for all my followers too see) Thank you, I love you <3


You guys... Wow. You're all so amazing. All of you are so great, you have stuck with me throughout this journey. A long journey it was. But you stuck with me, supporting me and my nutty antics. You have never given up on me, even when at one point I was giving up on myself. You guys lift my spirits, let them soar. I wouldn't be where I am without you, this book wouldn't be finished, it wouldn't have 300K reads. you guys really are the light of my life, I can never thank you enough. Not even a lifetime of thank yous could make up for all that you have done for me. I never thought I would get this much support on this website. Honestly, I didnt think I would still be here. I am though. And I'm glad I am. You guys have brought such joy to my life. The fact that I can come home from school crying, then walk to my computer and read comments and start smiling, thats amazing.

You alll can fix anything that is going on in my life. You guys get me away from the real world, and bring me into a wonderland. If you are following me, you notice that I do a lot to try and lift people's spirits. I want to make people happy. That is my life goal, to make at least one smile. To make at least one person change their mind about something that would bring them to their utter demise. I hope I have done that to one of you, and if not, I will keep trying. Of course, I will keep trying anyways. I will always want to make you guys smile, as you have made me smile so many times before. I can't believe how great you guys are. Why do I try to help people? Well, because of y'all. You guys have inspired me to help others, something I would have otherwise shied far away from. But, you guys did it. You made me realize that one person can impact other people. That I might not change the world, I can't fix everyone's issues, but I can help people. That though I can't fix the whole world, I can fix the whole world fr those people. You guys have inspired me to do that. So thank you. You are all amazing and beautiful/handsome. (It still shocks me that boys read my books, if youre a boy and you read my books, comment Cibseption down below. Why Cib? Because Cib is amazing.)

~~~FOR MY FRIENDS~~~ (you know who you guys are. :) )

My friends... Wow. My friends are the most amazing people I've met. They have helped me through everything, I would honestly tell them anything. They can always bring a smile to my face. And though I dont talk to some of them much, that in no ways lessens my thanks to them. They are all so amazing, I cannot tell you how utterly amazed at my luck in getting them as friends.

There is one person that I want to thank personally (well, kinda.) Leafy. Leafy, you are like the sister I never had. I tell you literally everything, I even told you yesterday about the fact that I get Arbor Day and Labor Day messed up all the time. You have helped me hrough all of my issues, you have told me hw to work through things. Though you're three hours away, (not too far, but we cant see each other much anyways) you can still make me smile at any time. I love our late night deep talks about life, our crazy conversations at 2 AM (whoops sorry dad), our totally nuts inside jokes (SHOULDER WIGGLE) and everything else. I still cant believe youre taller than me... I'm a year older too! :( Anyways, you have helped me so much in the three (Right?) years ive known you, the day I met you was the luckiest day of my life. Yes, that was luckier than seeing Cib on EnderSouls. You are my hero, my sister. Love you sis. <3

All of my other friends, you are all amazing. I couldn't imagine my life without any of you. It would be so much different! You guys are the lights of my life, never forget that.

Thats all guys. I love every single one of you. Thank you so much for all of your undying support, I wouldn't be here without you. One thing though, if you would please go chekc out osme other stories. I want to focus on my new story The Search For The Amulet, which is one I'm really proud of! I think you guys will like it, except its not romance. Go chekc it out, if you dont like it I completely understand! Onc again I cant wait to put out the sequel, thank you so much for supporting me! I love you all so much. <3 <3 <3  :D :D :D


Minecraft In The Morning- (A TEAM CRAFTED & CAPTAIN SPARKLEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now