Chapter 9-The Heartbreak Isn't Mine to Feel....

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MITM chapter 9

AN: hey! I go kinda brain dead this chapter and I wrote a really long Minecraft playing chapter. I just wanted to bring Jason into the story and I thought this was a good way to do so. Sorry! Also there is a LOT of Tys POV in is chap! Hope you like seeing ghe world through Deadlox's point of view! Hope you guys enjoy reading!!


I stopped my recording after doing my outro and sighed. I really missed Lexi. The worst part is that she probably is going to get snatched up at any moment. I felt like crying, but in front of the guys just isn't the time. Apparently Ty had gone out to meet someone, and I got pretty suspicious. All of my suspicions were brought back up to the surface as he walked through the door, smiling and whistling happily.  

"Hey Ty! Why're you so happy?" Quentin asked. 

"Well, if you must know, I just renewed my friendship with Lexi, and now her and Ian are coming back! You may now thank me." Ty answered, bowing.  

"Wow! Awesome Ty!!" Everyone said. Except me. Ill be honest, I was jealous. Ty had a better relationship with the girl I love than I did. Why was I so stupid? Why did I break up with her?! I sighed again and got up, murmuring excuses as the guys asked me where I was going. None of them were correct excuses, but they believed them. To tell the truth, I was going to go see Lexi. I had to patch things up with her.  

I jumped in my car, starting it up and driving to the hotel. I asked the receptionist at the front desk what room Lexi and Ian were in, then went to their room. I stood at the door, contemplating whether to knock or just walk away. Was Lexi even here? I sighed and lifted my arm and after a moment, knocked on the door. I heard footsteps from inside, and the doorknob turned and swung the door open. The open door revealed a smiling Lexi. As soon as she looked at me, her smile turned to a frown and she started to shut the door and walk away. Panicking, I shoved my foot in the way of the door.  

"Lexi please hear me out!!" I pleaded. She shook her head. 

"You broke my heart. You didn't trust me. Why should I trust you again?" She replied harshly. THAT stung.....  

"Look Lexi I love you! I always have, and I always will. The true reason that I broke up with you was because I was, for one, afraid you'd leave me for Ty, and two, so that you could go with him. I was almost sure that you two had fallen for each other, but I think I was wrong. Please.... Give me one more chance...." I said, keeping my foot in the door. She looked at me blankly for a moment, then finally spoke.  

"What if my eyes are on someone else?"  

Those words were the ones that shattered my heart.


Luckily when I got back to the hotel, Ian had left to go do something. I just sat on my bed and wondered how I would tell him about me forgiving Ty and us both going back to Jordan's house. Maybe he wouldn't want to go! Maybe he'd stay here. I was mostly worried about seeing Mitch again. I can't trust him anymore. I suddenly started thinking about how great it was to be friends with Ty again, and smiled brightly.  

I was staring off into space, deep in thought, when there was a knock on the door. Oh dear god please don't be Ian.... I slowly shuffled over to the door and opened it. My smile immediately vanished and I started to shut the door on Mitch. He stopped it with his foot and I turned to him angrily.  

"Lexi please hear me out!!" He begged. I shook my head in response.  

"You broke my heart. You didn't trust me. Why should I trust you again?" I asked coldly. 

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