Chapter 8-Repairing Old Friendships

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MITM Chapter 8

AN: OKAY!! Since I know it's coming soon, (I haven't had this yet) I know Jordan lives in an apartment, not a house. I just thought that if he lived in a house it would suit the story much better. I'm sorry if I confused you, but yes. In the story Jordan owns a house. In real life, he lives in an apartment. Thank you for understanding! :)


I sat on my bed staring at her text for what seemed like hours..... She wasn't coming back..... I didn't mean to make her feel like crap.... I love her..... I balled up my fists in anger and shut my eyes tight. Why the heck would Mitch do something like this? He freaking hurt my best friend! He was going to pay. Big time. He isn't getting away with this.  

There was a knock on my door and I snapped my head up. "What the heck is it?!" I snapped.  

"Jeez dude! I just came to see if you're alright!" Adam said and opened the door slightly to peek in.  

I tried to hold back my anger, but it really didn't work. "No! I am not freaking alright! Mitch and all of you made my best friend feel like crap! Now she's never coming back, and hates me! Does that seem alright to you?!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes. I put my head in my hands and the tears flowed down my cheeks. I wasn't angry anymore. Now I was just sad. I was sad and alone. I had this empty feeling in my stomach, and it made me feel like nothing was okay.  

"Holy crap dude, what the heck did I do?!" He snapped back. I sighed and wiped away a few tears from my face, looking at him with my head still in one hand.  

"I'm sorry Adam... I just had to get that out, I didn't mean to snap at you..." I apologized. I fell back onto my bed and covered my face with my hands. Adam sighed and sat on the bed.  

"It's alright. I understand. But I'm sure Lexi will come back. I mean, you're her best friend, right?" He tries to comfort me. I shook my head and looked at him. 

"No.... I don't think so anymore.... I'm pretty sure she hates me. You see, I've been hanging out with this new girl named Nikki, and I haven't spent much time with Lexi. Now Mitch broke up with her and no one seemed happy when she got here after she passed out after having a panic attack. Which you guys weren't, were you?" I explained.  

"Well, it's not that I'm not happy. It's just that Mitch is sad too, you know? He didn't want to break up with her. He's just thinking that something's happening with Ty and her. I've tried to tell him that they aren't together, and he tells me I'm a liar." He replied. Wait, what?! Mitch thought she CHEATED?!  

"What the frig?! Lexi would never cheat on him! She loved him with all her heart! She almost DIED when he broke up with her. Why would she cheat?!" I yelled, suddenly pissed off again. I don't know what's wrong with me right now. I'm just really angry and confused, and a bit violent. Which is strange because I felt bad about killing a fly the other day!  

I just shook my head and groaned angrily. Adam sighed.  

"We'll dude please come down soon. We really want you back down." He said as he walked out the door. I sat there for a while, thinking of what to do. I thought of the most obvious choice and shot out the door, running downstairs and grabbing my keys.  

"Where you going Jordan?" Quentin asked me.  

"To set things right!" I yelled as I ran out the front door and to my car. I went as fast as I could and drove around, looking for Ian's car. When I spotted it, I pulled into the motel it was parked at. I ran in and asked for their room, then went up to it.

I knocked on the door carefully. I heard muffled talking from the other side of the wood, then footsteps coming to the door. The handle turned and the door swung open. There stood Lexi, a couple tears falling down her cheeks. Without inking, I grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug. She was tense for a second, then she hugged me back and cried into my shoulder.  

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