Chapter 7- Panic Attacks And Pained Hearts

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*AN: hey GUYZ! Katie here! I just wanna make sure you understand a couple of things. 1: I have absolutely NO problem with Ty, I love Deadlox to death (see what I did there?) and I hope there are no misunderstandings in the plot of this story. He isn't meant to be the worst guy here, Jake is the villain. I just needed drama that wasn't Jake coming into every single chapter and putting someone in the hospital! Im sorry if any of the things i say about him in the story offend you in any way, as it is not meant to do so. I am simply writing this story for your enjoyment, and i don't care if you switch around the peoples names in your head so Ty isn't trying to steal Lexi away in your eyes. So yes, I do love Deadlox/Ty, but I simply needed drama for the story and chose one person at random to want to be Lexis boyfriend instead of Mitch. Anyway thanks guys! And if Ty ever sees this story (which he won't, lol XD) love you! You're awesome! :)*



I paced back and forth as I waited for Mitch and Jordan to hopefully be able to walk. They are both said to be ready, and I really hope so. Jordan has been spending a lot of time with this one doctor named Nikki. For some reason, every time I see them, I suddenly feel angry. I feel like I could just go up to her and punch her in the face! But I hold myself back and walk away, not waiting to start so,etching. I don't even know why though. Was I jealous? Most likely. But why? Jordan isn't my boyfriend. He's just my best friend. Although I remember before I met Mitch when I DID want him as my boyfriend. When I would always go to him for advice, when I would sit and stare into his eyes. When I would makes jokes with him and then we would play wrestle. It was all great while it lasted, and most of the best moments of my life are with him. But I guess that's over now.... I guess he's moved on. If he's moved on.. Then I guess I have to. It really does make me sad. The fact that my best friend since high school is just leaving me because I got a boyfriend.

I sighed and suddenly bumped into someone. I looked up at Ty standing there.

"Sorry Ty..." I muttered and tried to walk around him. I was stopped by someone grabbing my wrist, and I looked at Ty.

"Ty please let me go..." I said and looked him in the eyes. He looked back at me.

"Nope." He said simply, holding my wrist firmly.

"Seriously Ty this isn't funny Mitch and Jordan should be walking soon. And Mitch already doesn't want you around me. Don't give him even more of a reason not to want me around you." I said and tried to walk away again. He pulled me back and held me tight to him.

"I don't care what he thinks. You should be mine, not his." Ty whispered to me. I shook my head quickly and pushed him away.

"Never. Not only would I never leave Mitch, but I would also never date you." I spit at him. He only smirked at my statement. "You sure about that?" He asked.

"Of course I am!" I scoffed and slapped his hand from my wrist, pushing him away from me. I walked away quickly and just as I got to the café, Ty grabbed me again.

"Ty just get the heck away from me before I roundhouse kick you in the face!" I said and tried to stop myself from moving.

"I'm not taking you anywhere bad! The doctor just said that they're coming out right now! Chill!" He sighed.

"Oh.... Sorry Ty....." I said and walked with him. The rest of the walk was silent and pretty awkward, seeing as the man I was walking with was trying to steal me from my boyfriend.

We got to the hallway that Mitch and Jordan are in, and I saw Mitch walk out of his room on crutches. Then Jordan did also.

"MITCH! JORDAN!" I yelled and ran up to them, careful not to run into them so they didn't topple over.

"Hey there girlie!" Mitch smiled and hugged me.

"Hey Lex!" Jordan smiled and hugged me also.

"I can't believe you guys are walking!" I said excitedly. Mitch smiled brightly at me, then say Ty behind me and his eyes darkened a bit. Jordan just smiled at us all, obviously not noticing the glare Mitch and Ty shared.

"Yeah! It's kinds exciting, you know? Being on my feet again!" Jordan said excitedly. He sounded a bit like a child at Disney World. I giggled, but I wasn't as happy when his face didn't change at all. He simply sat there. He would usually give me a smile or acknowledge me, but he didn't.

Then I was pulled to the side and towards someone, and I looked over at Ty angrily. I saw Mitch was angry too. He looked from me to Ty and back and forth. I quickly stepped a couple steps away from Ty and smiled at Mitch. I know that didn't help much, but it helped me. I mean, Ty is nice and all, but I don't love him. I love Mitch. And I.... I.... Well I love Jordan..... But lets not get too far down THAT road!

"So do you guys know if you're getting out soon?" I asked.

Mitch nodded. "Yup they said both of us should get out in a couple days, if all the tests are good!" He said.

"Yay! I can't wait for you guys to get out!"

"I know! And hey, can I talk to you for a moment, Lexi?" Mitch said, and walked into his room before I answered. I followed him and he shut the door then turned around to face me, the anger plastered all over his face.

"What. The. Crap. Was. That?!" He almost yelled. I winced.

"It was nothing I swear! Ty's just being a total butthole!" I said, hurt that he doesn't believe me.

"Sure he was! You sat there for a second when he pulled you to him! Ifyou really weren't with him, you would've moved over as soon as he did that!." He said, his voice cracking at the end as tears filled his eyes.

"Mitch we aren't together! I swear! I love y-"

"I trusted you!! And you betrayed me! I gave you my heart and you ripped it in pieces! How could you?! I thought you cared!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face.

"I do care! Mitch I love you I swear I'm not with Ty! I hate Ty!! Please believe me!!" I pleaded. Tears streamed down my cheeks also and I got onto my knees to literally beg Mitch. He slowly shook his head.

"I can't.... I'm sorry... But I have to think.... For now.... We.... We..." He started but was cut off by his own sobs.

"Mitch please no!!!" I yelled and cried.

"I'm sorry Lexi.... But for now, we are no longer together....." He whispered and limped away. That was it. I was all alone, left to sob on the cold ground. I cried more and more until I started shaking, then I wasn't able to breathe. I struggled for breath as I slowly blacked out and let the darkness win, hoping I was escaping the world.


I slowly opened my eyes to the steady beeping of a heart rate monitor. I looked around, realizing I was in a hospital bed, doctors rushing around.

"Oh thank god you're awake! We have to do some tests and make sure you're okay before you go." A young doctor said to me.

"Why would you let me go? I have nothing anyway...." I whispered, yet loud enough for him to hear. He sighed and looked at me.

"Is this about that boy of yours? Mr. Hughes I think?"'he asked. I nodded. "Listen, if he broke up with you, then his loss. He doesn't deserve you. So don't worry about him. Please." He said to me, his eyes serious. He wasn't just saying that, he meant it. Would I listen? I'm not sure yet.

"Thank you..." I said and they did a bunch of tests. I was cleared to leave, and I walked out shakily. I was told I had been out for two days, and Jordan and Mitch had left the hospital. I walked into the waiting room and found Ian there, tapping his foot impatiently and staring at a wall with a worried expression on his face.

"Ian!" I yelled. He looked at me and smiled, getting up and hugging me.

"You're out!" He said and smiled.

"Yup! I... I can't believe you're here! Wait... Why are you here?" I asked. He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Because I'm your friend and I wanted to make sure you were alright." He said in a kind of "duh" tone. I smiled and walked out of the hospital with him. I was happy to be with him. It wasn't awkward, it was comforting. He had actually become closer than Jordan since Jordan has been drifting away from me. I wanted to cry as I thought of Jordan and Mitch, the two men I loved that I would never be with. I just wish I would've kissed Mitch at least once more.... Told Jordan how much I loved him, or play wrestled with him one more time. I sighed as I got into Ian's car and he drove. I started to panic as he pulled up to Jordan's house.

"Ian.... Mitch is here...." I said and looked at him with a pleading expression. He understood and nodded.

"Then what do you think we should do?" He asked, taking off his seatbelt and turning his whole body in his seat to face me, his feet in the seat.

"Uhh.... Ummmm.... Ermmmm..." I seriously had no idea. I guess I did have to go face Mitch.... I cringed at the thought, but nodded and got out. I had to move my little bed we had set up.

Ian opened the door quietly, obviously not wanting any attention brought our way. I was grateful for that. I didn't want any attention either. I looked into the living room and saw Mitch sitting with everyone, laughing and making jokes like nothing had happened. That really struck a hole in my heart. But what also hurt was the fact that Jordan didn't seem to care either. I turned away and covers my face, trying not to cry.

"Shh..... It's okay Lexi...." Ian said and pulled me Into a hug.

"It's not okay.... I'm nothing.... And that's the proof! My best friend since we were little doesn't even care about me...." I whispered, my voice cracking. He looked at me sympathetically and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"They do care.... I promise...." He said and squeezed me once more before letting me go and waving for me to follow him into the living room. I shook my head and he sighed.

"Please?" He asked, waving for me to follow again.

"Fine...." I said and sighed. I walked in slowly behind him and as we walked in, everyone's heads snapped up to look at us. I saw Mitch glare at me for a moment, and I cringed at his harsh stare. My shoes became quite interesting as everyone stared.

"Wow what a welcome back." Ian muttered angrily, yet loud enough for everyone to hear. "Come on. We aren't wanted here." He said and grabbed my hand, walking outside to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Away from here!" He said and got in, starting the car and driving off. I saw two of the guys standing at the window watching us leave, obviously wishing we'd come back. I couldn't see who they were though, because I'm pretty sure Ian was going about 200 miles over the speed limit.

"Ian please slow down!" I said and immediately, the car slowed down.

"I'm sorry... It's just the guys were treating you like crap, and I'm not going to let them do that to you. I had to get out of there as fast as possible. But I promise, we'll sort this out." He said as we pulled into the nearest hotel. I nodded and we got out, walking into the hotel and getting a room. All I thought of the whole way was, if I would ever see Mitch again, if he would still hate me, if Jordan will ever speak to me again, and if we will ever be as close as we used to be. I'm pretty sure I knew the answers. No, yes, no, and no. I sighed sadly as Ian opened the doors to the hotel room and flopped down on one of the two beds.

"It's getting late. I going to bed." He said, before falling asleep. I took my phone out of my pocket so I could play some games, and saw loads of texts.

A few were from Mitch. Some read: 'sorry, but I know you were cheating...' And 'I thought you cared about me...'

Then some were from Jordan. A couple read: 'LEXI! Please come back! Im sorry!' And 'Lexi please I miss you!'

I replied to Jordan only. 'Im sorry Jordan.... But I'm not a piece of crap, so I don't intend to be treated like one. Please tell the guys that. And I'm not coming back. Goodbye Jordan....' I pressed send. Then I felt the tears flow down my cheeks. He sent back almost immediately.

'NO PLEASE COME BACK!! I miss you, and I know you aren't crap!! Please!! Come back.... :,(' he said. I didn't text back. I simply turned off the lights and cried silently. This was the worst few days of my life.

AN: HEY GUYZ!! Here's a very short chapter just for the sake of posting! Don't worry, I've got a plan! Donz yell at me doods and dudes!! Anyways, thanks for reading! BAI!!

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