Chapter 14- No Cool Title Name Doods

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MITM Chapter 14

AN: Hello Youtubers and welcome back to MITM, this is Jaso- I mean, Katie. Just a little note before we begin!


Again guys, please understand these chapters are written on my iPad. Therefore, autocorrect is an idiot and makes ME sound stupid. I really do spell correctly, but my iPad does not. I'm sorry for this inconvenience.


Mitch planted a quick kiss on my lips before smiling and pulling me lightly with him downstairs. I walked next to him, our fingers interlocked. We walked into the living room, and eyes shot to us. Jordan and Jason's eyes shot to our hands, and their faces fell. Jason looked down, his shoes suddenly very interesting. What's that all about?

"Hey guys! So you uh?" Adam began, waving his hand wildly between Mitch and I. I laughed and nodded.

"Sure are." Mitch said proudly, kissing my cheek. I felt my cheeks get hot, and noticed my socks don't match. (AN: it's a weird way to say she looked at her feet)

"Congrats to everyone! Except.... MEROME!!! NOT THE MEROME!" Ian acted like he was crying as he screamed 'Merome'. I laughed like crazy, clutching my gut as everyone started yelling about Merome.

"Shut up!" Jerome yelled, smacking Ian in the stomach with the back of his hand.

"Ow! Crap that hurt JAYROMMMMEEE!" Ian said. "Oh and also..." He began, standing up slowly.

"What?" Jerome asked, sounding annoyed.

"MEROME FOR DAYZZZZ!" Ian screamed, running away. Jerome shot up, chasing after him.

"GET BACK HERE YOU BIG DERP!" Jerome yelled. Ian laughed and looked back at him, eyes crossed.

"DERP FACE IRL OH GOD!" Adam freaked out, grabbing Ty and burying his head in his chest. Ty tried to push him away, but it turned into just smacking Adam.

"SKYLOX! OH GOD ALL DA SHIPS!" Ian kept yelling, making a hand heart.

"Alright...." Mitch whispered, stepping over to the couch and pulling me to sit next to him. I did so and curled up next to him, watching the show. Everyone except for Jordan, Jason, Mitch, and I were running around like maniacs, yelling random ship names. They even started making up random names.

"SSUNSPARKLEZ!" Quentin yelled.

"Oh no no no no no! I already have SparkAnt, I don't need SSunSparklez!" Jordan said, chuckling.

"OH! EITHER SSUNSPARKLEZ OR SPARKDEE!" Ty squealed like a fangirl. We all held our ears.

"Crap Ty! Don't fangirl scream anymore!" Preston mused, grinning from ear to ear.

"You're just jealous because I'm a bigger fangirl than you!" Ty skipped over to Preston, flicking his nose. Preston stuck his tongue out at Ty. "Oh you challenging me, punk?!" Ty joked in a tough voice, putting his hands into fists.

"Oh yeah? And what if I am?" Preston asked in the same voice, stretching his head over Ty's and hitting his own chest.

Ty was about to reply when a croaky old woman voice called, "LADIES THERES TWO PAIRS OF HEELS!"

"TYLER!" Adam yelled happily, jumping up and running over to the brown haired boy.

"NO IT'S JANET. I MADE TYLA GO GET ME SOME ASPRIN FOR MY HEADACHE." Tyler said in his Janet voice. By now, everyone was holding their gut from laughing too hard. Tyler turned around and waved someone to come in from outside. I strained my neck to see over Adam and his big head.

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