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AN: We're almost to 20 chapters doods! And we hit 60,000 reads! :) love you all! Hope you like this chapter! I hope you'll like the content! Hoping for lots of drama!!


I grabbed my camera and set it up, the everyone got into the shot by sitting on the couch. I clicked the record button on my remote and counted down, knowing I'd edit this part out later. David sat on the other couch, watching silently. Sam and Christian were in the kitchen doing something, and their murmurs of conversation quieted when I counted down.

"3...2...1.... Hey guys what's up? It's me Deadlox!"

"Hello stars and welcome back to the MinecraftUniverse!"

"Hey guys Sky here!"

"Do do do! Hey guys, Quentin AKA HuskyMudkipz here!"

"Hey everybody what's going on? Jerome here!"

Everyone did their intros, including Jordan and Preston, then we began the actual video.

"So, a lot of you have been tweeting that all of us are dead. I can assure you, we aren't dead, and won't be for a long time! We're okay, but we've got some stuff going on so we can't exactly make a bunch of videos. We are uploading some we already made since we always have extra videos ready, so you'll see those in a bit. Also, Mitch just went to his family in Canada to check up on them, so he's okay too." Adam began.

"So yeah. We're sorry for this short video as our first one, but there will be more to come soon! I promise! We will have our REAL first video soon, hopefully before New Years!" I said, finishing off the video. We all said bye, then I stopped the video. Hopefully that'll hold over our crowds. I sighed and sank into the couch, really tired.

Suddenly, there were two evil chuckles. "You shouldn't be lying to your audience, guys. They won't appreciate it." I looked up and my eyes widened as a gasp escaped my lips.


I put down my Gameboy, checking the time. They should be done by now! It's been thirty minutes almost! I bit my lip and texted Ty.

'Bro you almost done? It's taking you a long time!'

I sat, staring at my phone for ten minutes before throwing it. I heard a loud crack as it hit the ground. I groaned and stomped over to it, picking it up and turning it over to see the front cracked and broken. I didn't notice the tears running down my face until I threw my phone once more. It landed safely on the couch, luckily.

I sank to my knees, grabbing my hair and laying my head on my knees. It may be too late... It probably is too late! Sobs racked through me and I fell onto my side, clutching my knees to my chest. The last memories I have with my friends are them hating me! My best friend stomped off, crying because of my actions. I heard Connor running around the house, so I ran outside, not wanting him to find me like that. I say down, the cold air piercing through me as I walked out of the warm house.

I put my back against an old tree, sliding down slowly and groaning. I couldn't take this anymore. I couldn't take it! I clutched my broken phone in my hand and felt the sharp glass cutting my hand a bit. I didn't care. I just tossed it to the side, looking at the blood on my hand. Then I turned to the tree. The tears only came down harder has I traced the markings Jerome and I had made. We made carvings on this tree every time he visited. I traced the Bacca and the Benja we had carved. I looked to the right of it and saw the words 'Benj 'n Bac: Hunger Deans Champs Forever!!' So many memories came flooding back from this tree. I picked my phone up from the snow, wiping my tears, only to have them replaced by new ones. I had to go to someone, and I knew only one person to go to right now. It's a strange choice, but I have no Jerome.

Minecraft In The Morning- (A TEAM CRAFTED & CAPTAIN SPARKLEZ FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now