Chapter 10: Too Many Conflicts....

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AN: WOOP WOOP! We're at double digit chapters baby! Introducing one OC in this chapter. I promise the rest come later! The winner for this chapter is.... BUM BUM BUMMMMMM!!!

@potatoqueen1314 , or Emma!

Congratulations! :) oh and Emma, i forgot about the storms thing and didnt mean to add you in this way. XD

Also, some things took a turn where I didn't mean them to while I write this. I had just finished watching TrueMU for the night, and I had been fangirling to my friends about him for a few hours..... Whoopsies..... now on with le story! :D



Well great.... I looked around blindly at the pitch blackness around me. The sky flashed with light, filling the room with the same bright light. I heard a girly scream and I jumped.

"JASON IM STARTLED!!" Adam screamed, then I heard a bunch of bumps and struggling.

"Adam, what are you doing?!" I asked.

"Erm.... I got scared and might have tackled Jason...." Adam said.

"My lord....." I muttered and facepalmed. Then I crawled carefully to my bag, feeling through it until my hand hit a cold metal.

"Got the flashlight!" I yelled and yanked it out, turning it on and shining it around the room. When I pointed it at Jason and Adam, I bursted out laughing.

"OH MY GOD!!" I gasped between laughs. "Have you guys SERIOUSLY not moved?!" They were still sitting there, Adam trembling in Jason's arms, and Jason staring at him strangely.

"Adam.... Do you mind?" Jason said awkwardly.

"No not at all." Adam said and sat there. Jason just pushed him off and laughed as he fell on his butt. Adam pouted and looked at Jason.


"No. Bad Adam! Bad!" Jason said like a parent and pointed at Adam sternly.

"It's not polite to point at people you know." Adam said.

"It's also not polite to scream, 'JASON IM STARTLED' then tackle me and not move." Jason said. "Plus, I DO WHAT I WANT!" Jason yelled and pointed at us all. I laughed and pointed the flashlight at Jordan, who covered his eyes. "AH! BRIGHTNESS!" He yelled.

"AH! DARKNESS!" Jason yelled.

"You have lanterns upstairs, right Jordan?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Ill show you." He replied, standing up and walking to me. "You guys just stay put until we come back and it's not pitch black. Adam, stay away from Jason. Got it?" Jordan commanded. I pointed the flashlight at everyone, who pouted and nodded.


LEZZZZ GOOOO!" Jordan said and grabbed my hand, jogging to the stairs. Instead of jogging, I skipped. Because Im just cool like that...

Don't judge me.

We reached the top and I waved the flashlight around. "Which way?" I asked. He nodded to the third door- his room- and walked into the closet.

I gave him the flashlight and he rummaged around, throwing things out of the way until he finally found 3 lanterns.

"Ha, I've had these for so long and have never used them!" He said and we brought them downstairs.

"Guess what?" I said to the boys.


"LET THERE BE LIGGGHHHHTTTTT!!!!!" I yelled and turned the largest lantern on.

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