Chapter 24- Short and Meaningful

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MITM Chapter 24


I helped Lexi move Jerome to the bed and he sat up, groaning and hiding his head. Lexi wrapped the ice pack in a towel and put it on his head, holding it there until he got the idea and held it up himself.
"You'll be alright. Just a migraine. If you get the feeling that you have to puke, though, tell me. We'll have to take you to the hospital somehow for that." Lexi informed, running her thumb lightly over the larger bruise again, squinting to inspect it carefully. I stood back and watched awkwardly, hands in my pockets.
"Thanks Lexi. Thanks Jordan. I'm glad you guys are here for me." Jerome gave a weak smile, obviously hurt and traumatized by his best friend's actions.
"Anytime. Would you mind telling us what happened though?" Lexi asked, tilting her head. Jerome nodded slowly.
"Well, first of all, have you seen Ginger around Mitch lately?" He began. He told us the whole story, sighing. "I guess what they say is true: love really does blind a person. He can't even see how much trouble she's going to cause us..." Jerome muttered, rubbing his face.
"I'm so sorry Jerome... If it helps, we're with you." I smiled at him. The corner of his mouth tugged upwards for a split second.
"Thanks, I appreciate it. I just really wish I could have my best friend back." I could see the tears welling up in his eyes, and I frowned sadly. He didn't deserve this, he only wanted to help everyone. And he was right, Ginger probably was just trouble. Mitch has been more and more distant from us since he met the girl. I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly.
"Everything'll be alright, Jerome. I promise." I gave him a small smile, which he returned.
"Thanks you guys. I think I can go downstairs now." He slid off of the bed and placed the ice pack down. Jerome rubbed his head once more, and walked out. Lexi and I followed suit, watching him carefully to make sure he was okay. Lexi nodded to me, telling me he was alright. We backed off a little bit, and Lexi leans over to me.
"Maybe we can help persuade Mitch?" She whispered almost inaudibly. I squinted as I thought.
"Or we could catch her in the act of doing something. Show Mitch. It'll be easier."
"Yeah, but how would we catch her, she's obviously pretty careful if we haven't caught her yet at all."
"Well, she has slipped up. Like what she did with Jerome. Even that small action is enough to possibly get Mitch back on our side."
"I'll go for that. We can try it." I nodded to her, showing her I heard her as we walked into the living room. There was only a tiny murmur of whispers coming from Quentin, Emma, Aster, Preston, Lily, and Autumn. Jerome then walked over and sat next to Lily. I saw a small blush creep onto her cheeks, but she immediately hid it and went on with her conversation. (A bit of competition between Ty and Jerome for Lily? I think yes ;) )I chuckled lightly, sitting down and having Lexi sit next to me. Mitch sent a harsh glare across the room to Jerome, who shifted uncomfortably under his heated gaze. Jerome's head bowed low and he messed with his hands.
Connor got up swiftly after a few more moments of silence, pointing at Mitch and ordering him gruffly and demandingly for a child his age to his older brother. "Come here, Mitch." He spat. Mitch looked taken aback by his younger brother's tone, but slowly obeyed. I raised an eyebrow as Connor stomped out of the room, Mitch hot on his heels like a puppy. I rolled my eyes, and the room almost immediately exploded with people talking. I grinned at the total mood changed that signified that Mitch HAD been weighing us all down. Yet, we couldn't let him go from the group. That was all Ginger's plan, right? At least, if Jerome's dream was right.
I was snapped out of my trance by Lexi waving her hand in front of me. "Mario Kart Wii, Coconut Mall. You're up!" (AN: my favorite map cause why not amiright) I groaned, getting off the couch.
"Why do I have to play THIS one! You know I hate it!" I grumbled.
"That's why I chose it for you!" Lexi sang. Ugh, I love that girl, but she can be a true pain.
"Okay so you just have to... But the escalator... It's going... But it's...." I was perplexed by the escalators, obviously not noticing that I was going up a down escalator. I figured it out and turned around, going up the other one. "I GOT PAST THE FIRST ESCALATOR!" I yelled in triumph. "CHER BOIIII!!"
"Chill Jordan, Ty's almost done!" Adam pointed out about the boy I was up against. He was laughing, yet still winning. I grumbled obscenities, seeing I was going backwards.
"OH THE SQUIDS DO INK!" I yelled as I figured things out.
"You're on the right track Jordan, yes." Lexi said slowly.
"Actually, I'm not." I pointed at the screen that was urging me to turn around. She rolled her eyes with a smile and say back in her seat, crossing her arms and watching the screen. Every time I messed up-which was a freaking lot- everyone laughed. I laughed too, trying not to make things awkward.
Of course, I ended out losing. Last place. I pouted and crossed my arms like a child.
"Oh my fluffer nuggets, Jordan lost who knew?" Lexi remarked sarcastically. I turned and raised an eyebrow at her.
"Oh my fluffer nuggets? What are you even trying to say?" I asked, holding in my laughter.
"I said what I needed to say, AND NOW I PLAY IN THE SNOW!" Che charged out and was back in moments, bundled up and ready to go outside. I chuckled and set down the controller, walking to the closet and donning my own winter clothing. I pulled on my beanie and walked out to the backyard. Lexi had already started to build a snowman.
"Do you want to build a snowman?" She sang. I groaned.
"Ugh! Fine, but not because you sang that song!" I grumbled, walking over and helping her. I bent over to gather some snow, and a ball of ice came hurtling into my back. "Hey!" I yelled and turned to the hysterical Lexi. "Is this funny to you?" I asked. She nodded and kept laughing. I grinned and gathered up some more snow, molding it into a ball and throwing it. The snowball collided with her arm, and she narrowed her eyes.
"It's on Sparkly Boy!" She gathered her snow and we both had a snowball fight for a few minutes, until we were both soaking wet and freezing cold. We laughed and went inside, our voices shaky as we shivered nonstop. We each went to our own rooms, changing and getting into dry clothes.
We walked out at basically the same time, and I noticed her still shivering. She looked at me and smiled, her jaw quivering. I smiled and held out my arms, allowing her to run into them. I wrapped my arms around her, attempting to keep her warm. Her shivering slowed, and soon we simply just sat in the hallway, hugging for no reason at all. I didn't stop it, I didn't complain. I could do this all day. I just wish she felt the same about me as I do to her. I can't deny this feeling anymore.
I love Lexi. I always have, and I always will.

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