Chapter 29

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We've been out in the forest for five hours straight and we've gotten nowhere! All we've got is a map of the enchanted forest but Rumpelstiltskin's castle is miles away, it would take us months to find it on our own. Robin isn't giving up though. But I'm not sure being out for five hours in the bone chilling cold is helping us find his daughter, we need a plan to get there and we need to know where we're going.

"So we're here by this tree, which is to the north of his castle, but we need to be on south side of the forest, so if we go this way then we should be on the right path" he mumbles to himself, trying to work out the map

"Robin, hang on. I think we should call it a day" I interrupt him

"What? Are really telling me to give up on finding my daughter that's in possible danger?" he snaps

"No mate, but we don't know where we're going or how we're going to get there. And even if we did know where were going, we don't have a plan to get into his castle and there's no doubt in my mind it's going to be booby-trapped and we could get killed! We've been out here for hours trying to figure it out and we aren't getting anywhere. We need to go home, figure out a plan and then come back" I sigh

"Killian, I'm not giving up now! This is my daughter we're talking about, she needs to be safe and the longer she's with him the less safe she is! Now you can go home by all means but I won't be accompanying you!" he snaps, turning away from

"Robin what about Regina?" I ask

"What about her?" he frowns, turning back around

"She's pregnant isn't she, and she's sick? She needs you, I saw the look on her face this morning, she wanted you with her, and Robin she needs you with her right now you can't leave her for this long!" I explain

He sighs and lowers his head, making a decision. His pregnant wife or his daughter.

"Fine, but we come back out tomorrow" he gives in

"Fine, come on, let's go home" I smile

He nods and walks beside me back towards the castle

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