Chapter 88

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Three hours later


"AHH! MMM..." I scream through yet another very long contraction

I crouch down by the mattress, my mother rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe me. My labour isn't getting better, the contractions aren't closer together, if anything, they're further apart but more painful. I can't stop being sick and I feel like I'm going to pass out.

"Mother, I can't do this anymore!" I whimper

"Yes you can, you're doing marvellous darling" she reassures me

"No! I really can't, it hurts too much! Sophia's birth wasn't this bad and I'd broken my tailbone!" I sigh

"I know, I know, but it's all worth it in the end" she points out

I'm about to reply when another contraction comes on, making me grip onto my mother's hand so tightly I can feel her flinching at the pain.

A loud knocking on the door makes us all jump.

"Come in!" Snow yells

The door opens and Emma comes in, a worried expression on her face.

"Hey, sorry but um... Robin's here" she explains

I start to panic; I don't want him in here. I don't want to talk to him or see him. He hurt me and I don't know if I want to see him ever again let alone now!

"Thank you Emma, can you just give us a moment Emma please?" My mother asks her

"But Robin," she starts

"Tell him he can wait a minute, I'll talk to him in a minute" my mother interrupts her

She nods frantically, exiting the room and shutting the door behind her.

"Mother! I don't want him in here!" I cry

"Hey, hey calm down, it's alright!" Snow tries to reassure me

"No, please I don't want him in here!" I cry

"Regina, you're having his child he needs to be here!" Snow argues


"Regina, you're giving birth to yours and Robin's child quite soon! He needs to be here" Snow argues again

"No, he doesn't! Mother please, I don't want him in here, back me up here!" I snap, looking at my mother

"Regina, if you don't want him in here, then he's not coming in, it's who you're comfortable with that matters. But don't do this because to punish him for what happened this morning, do it with good reason" my mother sighs

"I really don't want him in here! Please! AHHH!" I cry, another contraction coming on

"Snow, please go and talk to him, I don't want to talk to him right now. Regina doesn't want him in here, he'll have to wait a bit" my mother sighs

Snow gives my mother a worried look before exiting the room to talk to Robin...


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