the inevitable truth

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For two and a half weeks Aria was completely unresponsive. In a deep state of unresponsiveness - a coma. Her mind could be far away in a different place yet nobody around her would know. If you hadn't been handed her medical files and just walked into the room yourself you would think she was sleeping, the girl looked healthy and well..beautiful. However, there was no response to the environment around her. There was one moment, the moment Aria was admitted where one of the junior doctors swore on his life that he saw her eye open but apart from that there was no other responses.

2 and a half weeks this went on for.

Family and friends would come and go, sentimental yet meaningless gifts being left each time. All of them would stay for a small while then get back to their normal lives, they had to. They were allowed to switch back to the state they first arrived from. All except one. Ezra had not left the hospital since he had first came. His brother had the daily duty of bringing food and clothes to Ezra as without the reminder he would forget. For the whole day he would sit next to the bed, watching her. He watched her chest move as she breathed because he was so scared it was going to stop. He was scared that he had caused all of this and when Aria woke up, she would never forgive him.
As the two and a half weeks passed Ezra had not given up any hope even though the doctors had stated that this sort of trance could last for years. It was late on a Tuesday evening, around 7pm and the man was pouring a sugar packet into his coffee at the exact moment when he saw the moving of Aria's fingers and then he heard the increased heart rate.
Immediately, the man sprinted into the corridor screaming for help. He didn't know how serious it was but of course he wasn't going to chance it.
Ezra was told to wait outside until the doctors had finished. Aria was coming out of her coma and it may take a long time to get this to work, it may not even work at all. Ella and Byron were the first to show up, Ezra told in specific detail everything that had happened. Soon after the other 4 girls made an appearance sitting next to each other desperately waiting for some news.
It was 10pm when the doctors informed the group that Aria was awake but first had to go through general procedures.
It was half past 4 when the doctor allowed people in to see her.
"You go first." Ella said to Ezra, even though that was her baby in there she knew that she could hold on a few more seconds longer than Ezra.
The man walked across to Aria's room and took a deep breath pushing open the door.
She was sat up, her hair parted on each side of her. The second that he walked in she was looking out of the window next to the bed watching the sun rise.
"Aria." Ezra finally said, the relief of her wellbeing sinking in.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

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