chapter 16

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Aria had decided that she wasn't going to tell Ezra about the baby, or the now none baby until she felt much better in herself. She wanted the news to come from her, it needed to be from her. As Spencer left the girl became more on edge as Ezra walked through the door. The last time they spoke Aria was willing to talk but now she'd lost that ability. But Ezra had saved her. Without Ezra, who would know where she would be now?
"Hi." Was all the man said as he walked to the end of the hospital bed.
It was strange, the pair were on unknown territory. They had never really spoke when they were not together and if they did it was usual about getting back together.
"Thank you for...everything." Aria spoke up as she moved to sit up.
"You don't need to thank me, honestly. I would do it anyway. I don't want anything to happen to you Aria...This is all my fault."
Ezra couldn't even bare to look at Aria because yes this was all his fault. He was the one who first got involved with Aria. He was the one who had been set on killing Aria. Seeing Aria lying there shouldn't have hurt him, that's what he should have wanted but so much had changed since then.
"Aria, I want to tell you the truth. About why I was involved with -A, about why I didn't tell you."
"I don't think this is the right time." Aria already had enough on her plate without having to deal with the this as well.
"Well with the state -A has put you in this time I think it is."
Aria just sat there listening, the reason better be good because she didn't want to forgive Ezra. He'd put her through too much already.
"Go on then." Aria crossed her arms like she would every time she was in an argument with the man. It made a shiver run down his spine.
"I was involved with -A before I met you. Not to do with the book or anything. I had no money and no future but then Alison went missing and this figure offered me both. Alison was a vile person to you and your friends but they showed me that you weren't the greatest person either. I let them corrupt my mind, making me believe that you were the enemy...And..."
"-A...Wanted me to...Kill you. But as soon as I met you Aria I knew that is something I would never do. I instantly fell in love with you and I swear I have only been working with -A to protect you. I couldn't let them get hold of you Aria, I did it because I loved you. I still do...Love you."
Maybe deep down Ezra believed that by saying that Aria would be completely understanding but being told that the one you loved was just set out to kill you isn't the greatest thing you want to hear.
"Get out Ezra."
"Aria plea-"

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