chapter 5

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The door opened it was nearing half past 11 and Aria lay in bed. She wasn't asleep but pretended to be so she didn't have to make conversation. The whole night had been a very dramatic one to put it lightly. Her eyes were red and puffy and of course she would deny that she had been on the phone to Spencer for half of the night crying and saying how stupid she felt. Spencer told her to come home but Aria stayed put. This was something she had to work out herself, she would definitely not just run and leave this without putting up a fight. She loved Ezra so much but because of this the thought of losing him hurt so much more.
"Aria baby?" Aria ignored the words and carried on facing in the opposite direction. She tried to slow her breathing down, is that what happens to people when they sleep? It's worth a try.
"I know you're awake you sleep on your back."
"What do you want Ezra?" He looked quite shocked at the harshness of the words. Of course they weren't uncalled for yet it still hurt. Ezra began to place his things down on the table getting undressed as he did so. Soon enough he moved in the bed closer to Aria and the small gap between them felt like a thousand miles. Aria refused to turn to look at him, she was being stubborn but in her mind she felt she had every reason to.
"Hey Aria." His finger lay on her chin, turning her face to look at her, finally giving in she turned to roll over and look at him. She tried to avoid his eyes and tried to look straight through him.
"Where were you? Tell me the truth please." Ezra frowned a little tracing his finger under Aria's eyes. He was going off topic and Aria wasn't let it slide that easily.
"You've been crying."
"Yes because you've suddenly gone distant. If this was because of Jak-"
"Shush." Ezra kissed her to stop anymore words coming out. It hurt having to lie to Aria but the truth would hurt much more. Aria gave in and it was because she had missed him so much, the hours seemed like days. His lips felt like the only water left in the desert and she couldn't help but fall back into his charm.
"Wes was having a family problem, I should have told you but he seemed pretty upset. God Aria, if I known you'd have been this upset I would have never had left."
Aria wiped her eyes one more time feeling truly how stupid she was. She tried to laugh it off a bit wrapping an arm round his waist and pulling herself closer into him.
"I just... I'm scared of losing you. I'm scared I'm not enough."
"You are everything I have ever wanted Aria Montgomery."
Ezra rested his head on top of the girls his whole face showing the guilt that he felt deep to his core.

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