chapter 11

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"I can't do this anymore. I won't do it." If Ezra had took this approach last time he wouldn't have lost Aria and if there is any chance of getting her back or even forgiving himself he knew he had to cut the strings with -A.
"Do whatever you like to me. I don't care. Just leave Aria out of it."
The voice said nothing and the black hooded figure just pointed to the door.
"This is over. Right?"
There was no response so Ezra just walked out the door. He knew it wasn't over, it would never be over. Now, he had nothing left to lose but he was just scared that was going to be the case forever. He had never once in his life lied about loving Aria, it was just the situation that came along with it. Ezra was deeply tangled with -A before he even met Aria, he had fell into the hooded faces trap after he had found out Alison had gone missing. The voice would say horrible things about the girl beginning to manipulate Ezra and with no money or no home being paid to just follow a few girls round wasn't that much of a bad job. However, soon enough -A found out much more about Ezra and that's when the requests got much more criminal. It had been set up that Ezra was to kill Aria. It was -A's plan to get rid of the girls one by one and Aria was next on their hit list, this is where Ezra was needed. This was all fine at first, Ezra knew what he had to do but as soon as he saw the dark haired girl across the bar that night he couldn't do it. Something in him changed, maybe it was her smile or the way she would always laugh when she was nervous. He was soon falling in love with her and the task became much harder.

In the end, Ezra got off the task but then -A always had it against him. The whole of Aria and Ezra's relationship -A could easily bring it up and so Ezra agreed to meet the anonymous figure so that he could protect Aria from all of this. He loved her and the whole of his past would ruin everything that they ever had but now it was already ruined. What had he got left to lose? As he walked out into the burning slightly the man had decided.
He was going to tell Aria everything.

Lost In Translation & Out Of The Woods (Sequel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن