Chapter 6 - Skaro (The Planet of the Darleks

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After reading the letter the Doctor and I were curious as to what events would await us that would change our timelines. We were both sat in console room just talking when TARDIS beeped, rather loudly telling us that there was danger not far from us. I got up to have a consul and I was frightened as to what I saw; a message read
DOCTOR YOU WILL SHOW YOURSELF.WE NEED YOUR HELP. This only meant one thing they were back and they wanted our help.
"Doctor you may want to read the message"
"Because it concerns you"
the Doctor read the message and I saw all the colour from his face drain away until I saw a smile upon his face as he knew what was outside those doors and those wanting his help.

 TARDIS have landed on skaro, the home of a race called the Daleks, the Doctor's feared enemies but I felt a twinge of excitement but suddenly I went all dizzy. This only happens when time changes and this what I felt. Time had changed from a man hating the Doctor to wanting his help in something of importance. The Doctor stepped outside of those doors and instead of the cold and unfeeling voice which was Davros, he was met by the soft and caring voice of a man. I was curious so I stepped out and shut the door behind me and turned around. I was shocked to see a man of about 34 sat beside a fire that was roaring brightly bringing warmth to the cold room. He had brown hair, green eyes and he had a red mark running from his eye to his ear, it was hidden by his hair.
"Davros, how are you my friend?"
"Fine Doctor, I see you have a new companion and I am so sorry for your loss."
I was so confused, as Melody said that the Daleks hated everyone that was not like them.
"Ummm, Davros. May I ask a question?"
"My dear Evie yes you may"
"Well, Melody said that you hated everyone"
"Yes that is true but events changed and the Doctor and I are friends now"
I guess time had changed when a future version of the Doctor went back to change the future, this is why I felt dizzy and it all made sense to me now.
"Davros you sent the Doctor a message about needing his help with something."
"Actually the message was for you Evie. There is a way in which I can change how you age. I invented a machine that can change you genes to how they are supposed to be and not what they are now"
"Davros that is kind of you but in my time I have been travelling with the Doctor, it made me realize that I am perfect the way I am."
"No that is fine Evie. I would like you to meet my people and the have a tour of the planet."
Davros rose from his position in his chair by the fire and walked over to a coat stand to reach for a long black trench coat. He led us out into the corridor to a lift at the end of the corridor, once inside Davros pressed a button which would take us to the command center of the planet. Once I stepped outside of those lift doors I was surprised to see pictures of Davros and The Doctor as friends. Who knew that two completely different races could unite after a war?  But here we were standing at two races working day by day and side by side together even after the great war between those races. I stood there in awe of what Davros had achieved and I smiled for the first time in weeks, I properly smiled at what I saw. People were buzzing around the control room working at computers.

"Evie come over here!" It was Davros who said this.
"What is it?"
"I want to show something."
So I walked over and what I saw was amazing. Both Kaled and Gallifrean buildings stood before me but human as well. Davros seemed to see my stunned face because he smiled and said this
"Evie, future version of the Doctor went back and saved me but also manged to create a treaty between Kaleds, Timelord and humans. We all live in piece here."

The Doctor and I went back to the room where we met Davros in the first place and the TARDIS was stood there, were she had landed. For some unknown reason I had a feeling that she had been used to conquer the universe but it had not as the TARDIS confirmed that she stood there all that time we were away. Davros waved us off as visiting Davros was only a short one.

As I look back at the time we spent with Davros even if it was only short, I knew what the future version of myself meant by ' the next few events are going to be confusing' but at least one thing is clear to me now, Davros would help us in times of need. But one thing is still unexplained who are the aliens trying to change time and space thus altering mine and the Doctor's timelines now and in the future. This would be something that we both would encounter soon enough, when would be a completely different matter, all together. One thing that I did not know when I was with Davros, was the fact that he had already altered my genes thus changing me to how I should be, however this was going to be revealed later on in my time stream. Years after that first meeting with Davros, many more would follow and one of these would show me the true meaning of why the Doctor brought me with him to travel the stars, universes and time streams. 

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