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"Taylor, wake up," Ashton nudged me and I jolted awake, looking around.

"We're in Albany," he said. I looked around and saw a familiar town, recognizing my entire childhood.

"I'm going to need directions to the hospital," Luke said, stopping at a red light.

I directed him as best as I could, and managed to remember how to get there since I was only away for a year. When we pulled into the parking lot, I called Liam.

"Hey," he answered. "Are you here?"

"Yes," I said. "We're in the parking lot now. What room is he in?"

"322," Liam said. "There's a waiting room on the floor that Sophia and I are waiting in. They're going to come tell us when he's out of surgery."

"Okay, we'll be up in a few minutes," I said and hung up. Ashton and Luke followed me inside. I chewed on my fingernails nervously as we went up the elevator. I stepped out into the waiting room to see Liam and Sophia sitting together in a couple chairs, and they both stood when they saw me. They pulled me in for hugs, holding me for a minute before pulling away.

"Liam, Sophia, this is Luke, my best friend and roommate, and this is my boyfriend Ashton," I introduced them, and they shook hands before we sat down in chairs and waited for someone to come back into the waiting room.

"Have you heard any more news?" I asked Liam.

He shook his head. "They said he's out of surgery and he's stable but they don't want anyone coming in to see him yet. He lost a lot of blood and he's still out."

I placed my hand on my face, trying to keep from worrying again. Liam put his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it, Ashton also placing his hand on my thigh.

A nurse walked into the room and I prayed it was news about Chris.

She walked up to Liam, who stood anxiously and I did as well, and smiled at the two of us.

"Chris Parks?" We nodded. "He's awake now, if you want to come in and see him. Just be quiet, he's still pretty out of it."

"Thank you," I said and walked with Liam down the hall to the hospital room and we walked in to see Chris sitting up on the bed slightly, sipping at a glass of water through a straw that a nurse was holding for him.

I immediately let out a breath of relief and sat down next to him, taking his hand in mine. He smiled at me.

"Hi Tay," he said quietly, closing his eyes. "What are you doing in Albany?"

"Why shouldn't I be in Albany you doofus," I said, holding back the tears in my eyes.

"Even when I'm in the hospital with a hole in my stomach you still manage to call me names. Annoying younger sisters, true to form."

I laughed a little, the tears falling from my eyes.

"Don't cry," he said. "I'm gonna be okay."

"Who was it?" I whispered.

"I don't know," he said. "I've been trying to remember. I went to a restaurant to get something to eat because Skye is in Vegas with her girlfriends. Someone must have slipped something into my drink because I barely remember paying the bill and I don't remember anything after that."

"I'm going to find out whoever did this and make sure they end up in jail," I said.

"The police are already trying to figure out who it was," he said. "Don't you worry about anything, Tay. I'm going to be fine."

Runaway - Ashton Irwin *completed*Where stories live. Discover now