Chapter 1

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A/N: It's Gwen in the picture. Also I will be adding my own planet and race of alien in this story so I can make it work

It was a violent night in September of 1980. The young Kosmonian princess, Gwendalyn was born but her planet, Kosmo, was currently under attack. Thanos sent his men to capture the young princess as a Kosmonian prophecy said that the young princess with defeat Thanos. The king and queen thought quick and were going to send Gwendalyn to the safest planet they knew. Terra. One of the servants took the princess and took her to one off the transporters. The servant typed in the coordinates for Terra and looked at the baby princess one last time.

"Dear princess, when the time comes, your parents shall find you and you shall learn of your people. For now, you must stay on Terra" the servant said, before the baby princess disappeared.

That's when Gwen's eyes shot open. She had that dream again. She looked around and remembered she had fallen asleep in the waiting room of the hospital. She looked at her best friend Peter Quill, who was listening to the mixtape his mother gave him. Gwen saw Peter's free hand and took it in her own. Peter looked at Gwen and gave a weak smile. Peter's grandfather came out of the room across from the two and crouched down in front of Peter.

"Peter? Your mom wants to speak with you" his grandfather said. Peter looked at Gwen and she gave a nod. They let their hands go and Peter went into the room. Gwen sat there in silence thinking about her dream. It must mean something Gwen thought to herself. She looked at her hair, which has been purple for her whole life and the silver markings on her arms. Gwen's parents said they were just birth marks and that they've been dying her hair since she was four because she liked the color purple. Another thing questioned Gwen. She was....different...from other kids, even Peter no matter how close the two were. Gwen had the ability to draw power from sources of energy and use them as physical blasts. Her parents were scared the first time Gwen first used her power but Gwen was terrified. It was a secret kept between her and her parents. Nobody else knew, not even Peter. Gwen suddenly heard Peter screaming "no" and his grandfather brought him out of the room. As soon as his grandfather went back into the room, Peter ran out of the hospital. Gwen followed him. When she caught up to Peter, he was on the ground on his knees. Gwen kneeled beside him.

"Peter" Gwen said. Peter hugged Gwen and cried into her shoulder.

"She's gone Gwen" Peter said. Suddenly, they were in a blue light.


Gwen was in her room of the Milano, reading a book on different alien races while Bonnie Tyler was playing in the background. Holding Out For A Hero was Gwen's favorite song and Peter made sure to put it on a mixtape he made for her along with other songs that described his feelings for her. Of coarse, Gwen didn't know about Peter's feelings for her. Peter's been in love with Gwen for ten years now but Gwen was completely oblivious to it. She's too focused on studying alien races. Peter thought it was cute yet annoying how she hasn't noticed that he's completely in love with her. Gwen, on the other hand, was busy on figuring out more about her race. She had learned from Yondu that she wasn't in fact, Terran but a race that is believed to be extinct, Kosmonian. That would explain her purple hair and her silver markings. It would also explain her energy powers. It amazed her that she's been able to keep the secret from Peter for so long. When the chorus of the song came on, Gwen couldn't help but smile, sing and dance to the song.

Peter was on his way to Gwen's room to inform her that they landed on Morag. He heard Gwen playing her favorite song. When Peter made it to her room, he was going to knock on the door when he saw that her door was open a bit and that she was dancing inside, wearing an over sized t-shirt. Peter watched as she danced, smiling to himself. That's one of the reasons he fell in love with her. She was an amazing dancer. Peter's trance was broken when Gwen noticed Peter.

"Peter!" Gwen said. She quickly turned the song off and blushed in embarrassment.

"I was, uh, going to tell you we've landed on Morag but you distracted me with your amazing dancing" Peter said. Gwen smiled.

"Thanks Peter. I'll get my stuff on so that means I need my privacy" Gwen said, shutting the door. Peter sighed and walked back to the main room. He was going to have to tell Gwen how he felt about her sometime but would she feel the same way? He tries to find the right time to tell her but either she's got her head stuck in that book or she brings another guy on board and they spend all night in her room. Peter didn't like it when she did that but she always said "well you bring girls on board all the time so I should be able to bring a guy" He only did that to make Gwen jealous and hopefully admit that she has feelings for him but it always ends the same way. Gwen finds a guy, spends the night with him which makes Peter jealous and then comes morning, he sneaks into Gwen's room and kicks her friend out. Gwen then always asks Peter what happened to her guy for the night and Peter says "he didn't really like you all that much. I'm sorry" Gwen always responded with a small smile and a nod before going back to her room and not coming out for an hour. Then Peter felt guilty. All Gwen wanted was a relationship but Peter wanted that relationship to be with him. Gwen joined Peter dressed in her mission clothes.

"You ready Peter?" Gwen asked.

"Of coarse I am" Peter said. He pressed a finger behind his ear, causing his mask to appear. Gwen did the same thing. They went off to start their mission.

I Need A Hero {Peter Quill}Where stories live. Discover now