Kian Lawley > Fight P2

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I woke up to the painful and unbearable stinging of my lip and cheek. I groggily stood up and walked into the kitchen towards the basin. I looked though the window at my reflection. A lot of dry blood had trickled down from my cheek and lip onto my neck. I slowly washed it off as best as I can with luke warm water. I looked up at my reflection again. This time I gazed at my red eyed, dark circles and then tear stains that had ran down my face freely just a few hours ago. Once again I bent over to wash my face. As I cupped my face with warm water I listened to the water trickle down into the drain. I sniffed a little and turned off the water. I gabbed a paper towel and dried the water of my face. I looked up back into the window. The redness of my eyes were more or less gone and so were the dark circles. But I still felt the same as I did yesterday night. I walked back into the dull main room whilst throwing the paper towel in the bin.

I switched my phone onto the dim lock screen 6:25.a.m. Well it looks like I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon so I grabbed my earphones and walked over to the door. Quietly unlocking it. The cold morning air hitting me gently. Making cuts sting slightly. I turned on my music at the loudest setting and closed the door shut from behind me.

I walked down the steps of the porch and sat down on the bottom step, resting my arms on my knees.

I sat there for a while watching the world slowly wake up with the loud music blaring in my ears. Until I saw someone looking at me from the corner of my eye. I looked around to see a lady sitting on the steps of her house just like me. She held a cigarette in one hand and the other propping her up.

She smiled sweetly at me and beckoned me over to her. I took out one ear piece and stood up to sit with her.

"You okay love" She said in a thick British accent as I sat on the step next to her. I shook my head. "I'd be lying if I said I was ma'am" She rubbed my back gently as I took a wobbly sigh.

"My name isn't ma'am sweetie. Call me Elissa" She smiled sweetly.

"Oh and I sorry if I woke you up last night ma'- Elissa"

"Don't worry about it... Um"


"Do you want to talk about it Y/N" I hesitated for a minute. On one hand I just met her but in the other hand she sounds sweet.

"Well... me and my boyfriend Kian. I guess we had an argument" I paused a little but then started talking again, "Um... me and Kian are sorta well known on the internet. And I kissed a guy for his Instagram video. I thought Kian wouldn't mind because he kisses a lot of girls on the cheek and sometimes on the lips when he goes to a meet and greet but he obviously does mind" I rambled a little. She looked at me in shock.

"You kissed someone else?"
"Oh no not like that. Me and Kian are known on the internet. We make videos" she nodded and threw the cigarette away in the pavement as she sat up and faced me properly. She examined my face.

"Did he do that to you?" I shook my head no. He didn't mean to and he could get into a lot of trouble.
"I cut myself. I lost balance in my heels last night" she nodded.

"Heres some advice Y/N, strong couples fight, and you and Kian seem like the strongest and youngest couple I know"

"Thanks Elissa"
"Was there anything else that happened last night?" I looked down to my knees, adjusting my ear phone in my ear"

"Well. I-um told him that he wont see me again in the morning and he just scoffed and went to sleep. He didn't care" A single tear slipped down from my eye. Elissa opened her mouth to say something but she was interrupted by the a door unlocking.

I looked up towards my house to see Kian stepping out quickly and looking around frantically before locking eyes with me.

"It looks like he does care. Go to him sweetie" I broke contact with him and stood up.
"Thank you Elissa" I slowly walked up the grey pavement to the steps of out house. Kian watching my every move. Half of him hanging out the door the other half still indoors.

I gently walked up the few steps of the porch and took a few steps towards Kian. Too scared to say anything. I looked down at my shoes and listened to the gentle wind and my own heavy heartbeat.

I flinched a little as Kian gently traced the top of the cut on my cheek. As I flinched he quickly backed his hand away.

"Y-Y/N" he stuttered quietly. l looked straight at him and he gasped loudly. "Did I do that?" his voice cracked with every word. Single tears slipping from his eyes. I took a deep breath and walked past him into the house. I gawked at the broken glass and tipped over furniture that littered the house.

"I thought you actually left me" he whimpered from behind me. I walked further into the house and bent down, picking up the glass scattered across the floor.

"Y/N" Kian said quietly but I ignored him and continued picking up huge bits of glass. "Y/N" I stood straight and turned around. Kian quickly grabbed the glass from my hands and replayed them with his hand instead.

"Did I do that to you?" he gently traced the cut on my cheek. I looked down, "please say something" I breathed a wobbly breath.

Slowly he brought me into the kitchen and lifted me up onto the counter. I watched him as he grabbed the first aid kit.

"I'm so sorry" he kept mumbling as he cleaned up my lip and cheek. Gently he kissed both cuts.
"Kian" I whispered.

"I'm sorry" I tear trickled down my cheek. He lifted my chin up so my eyes met with his. Guilt and sorrow drowned out his natural eye colour.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Its all my fault" He brought me into a huge warm hug. I buried my head in his chest letting my tears flow free.
"I love you" he cried, I felt warm droplets falling against my neck.
"I love you too" I broke the hug and looked into his eyes and smiled slightly. Then I leaned in, him doing the same.

We kissed. It was full of emotion and sorrow. "Don't leave me" he mumbled through the kiss.
"You wont get rid of me that easy" I chuckled and continued the kiss.

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