Kian Lawley > Void_Naty

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Requested by: Void_Naty 
Hope you like it love :)

Y/F/N - Your Friends Name
Y/F/G/N - Your Friends Girlfriends Name
Y/NN - Your Nick Name

"You know, when they said they were going on tour I didn't think they'd be gone for almost half a year!" I said into the phone wedged in between my shoulder and head as I ripped open Vega's food packet and poured it into her food bowl, then doing the same thing for Wishbone and Hazel. I don't know why they asked me to pet sit, I can barely keep track of one goldfish.

"They're touring around the world, I'm pretty sure it takes more than just two weeks" Y/F/N said through the phone, her girlfriend muttering about a Tv show death in the background of the call.
"Actually it's been two months and three weeks" I corrected her, making her chuckle from the other end of the phone. I sighed loudly, "I miss them all"
"You miss Kian" she said in a matter-of-fact tone. I smiled and shook my head as Y/F/G/N 'oohed' in the background. Internally thanking the universe that I wasn't talking to them in person, since the blush that crawled on my cheeks is as noticeable as a stop sign.

"Y/N and Kian sitting in a tree F-U-C-K-I-"
"Please shut your girlfriend up!" I laughed, a embarrassingly wide grin sprawled on my face as I gripped onto the kitchen counter and jumped onto it, Hazel trailing after me and stood on her hind legs to reach me, her front paws on my knees.

I ruffled the top of her head and continued the conversation with my high school friends.
"But for real though, you two need to tie that knot"
"Calm your bootleg cupid self, I'm not getting married"

"No, I meant that one of you needs to grow some balls and ask the other person out" I pursed my lips and sighed at my realization.
"That's not going to happen, he's out my league and we've known each other for so long that he definitely prefers the sibling relationship" It was no secret to my friends that I was falling hard for Kian, I mean we flirt a lot and spend a lot of time together but all in good fun and friendship I've come to learn. To make it worse fro myself  I thought he liked me a few months ago because the flirting game got stronger and whenever I walked into the room Jc would look from Kian to me and give off that infuriating 'I know something you don't know' smirk; but apparently i was wrong considering that he went off and had a one night fling on the fourth of July, that one night fling soon turned into him and her dating for a few weeks but then breaking it off. I knew it was too good to be true back then and I still know it would be too good to be true if he liked me now. So I kept my crush under wraps and never really brought it up; that was Y/F/N and Y/B/F/G's self proclaimed job.

"I wont be so sure of that hun. Got to go, I'll see you round" and with that the line went dead, I huffed and pressed my placed my phone against the black marble of the counter.

"Why are crushes so emotionally draining Hazel" I said as I landed back on the floor and bent down to brush my hands through this hyperactive dog's fur coat.

A few days later

"Why don't I get paid for this house/pet sitting gig?" I mumbled to myself, hanging up the dog leashes and grabbing the vacuum, connecting it to the power outlet. The dogs barked loudly and ran up the stairs, as far away as possible from the deafening sucking sound of the vacuum. Grabbing the long grey cord I pushed the heavy cleaning tool up and down the carpet and floors, getting rid of the pet hair sprawled across the floor.

After a good ten minutes of swerving in and out of tricky corners and hoovering in the most awkward places the sucking completely stopped. Leaving the apartment in complete silence and me in confusion.

"God Y/N, you left the door unlocked" A huge smile corrupted my face and excitement evident in my eyes as I ran into the other room, following the cord until I saw Jc standing their with his suitcases next to the door. "Cloud!" I yelled, throwing my arms around my best friend a little harsher then I thought I did since he stumbled back a little; laughing as he steadied himself and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"You've grown Y/NN"
"So has your hair" I unclasped my arms from his neck and played with the curl locks that flowed over his eye; making it into a makeshift pony tail.

"Where's everyone else?" we let go of each other completely but stayed relatively close. Jc rose his eyebrow and smirked in a knowing way.
"You mean Kian" I softly swatted his arm, making him laugh that perfect laugh of his.

"Where are they?"

"Dom and everyone else are gonna be a little late. I pressed half the buttons on the elevator before they got out" instantly recognizing his voice I stepped over to the tall boy and wrapped my arms around him, my skin ignited with fire when he wrapped his arms tightly around me, his carry-on sill dangling from his elbow and hitting against my thigh.
"And here I thought seeing most the world would make you a little more mature" I joked, still swaying with Kian.

"You'll still love me no matter what" Jc interrupted by clearing his throat unnecessarily loud.
"But too touchy feely aren't we guys" I rolled my eyes as Jc patted Kian on the shoulder and left for the kitchen. As he left me and Kian let go of our embrace and smiled awkwardly, Kian scratching the back of his neck; yawning.

 "Man, I'm so jetlagged you have no idea" he walked inside the apartment heading for the stairs that led him up to his room but he stopped and turned to me, "aren't you coming?" I smiled and grabbed Kian's suitcase, trailing after him and easily climbing up the stairs with the huge thing by my side.

Once we entered his room he instantly flattened out on the bed, Hazel barking past me and jumping onto her owner, her tail wagging in delight.

"Awe Hazey, I missed you so much" he cooed at his dog.
"You know I should get paid for dog sitting Hazel; she's so hyperactive and so much like you its unreal" Kian smiled and patted the end of the bed for Hazel to sit but she didn't comply. Seeing her owner was to exciting for her.

"So you didn't miss me to much then" he smirked looking up to me, I walked in and took a seat next to him, propping my head up against his pillow.
"No, I missed you. A lot" Hazel started to calm down jumped off the bed, probably running down to greet Jc.

I frowned, Kian noticed and turning on his side and staring intently at me.
"Why so sad?"
"Couldn't you stay a little longer. Your only here for a week then your off on the North American part of the tour"

"A week? Is that it?" I nodded my head, my eyebrow rose at the fact that I knew his schedule better than he did.
"Well" he whistled. "You better start packing then"

"Wait.. what?!" I sat up far to quickly, Kian laughing at my reaction.
"Start packing Y/NN, your coming with us" I unintentionally squealed in the delight of the moment and brought him into a hug, making him topple over so I was straddling him and he was lying flat on his back, his hands risen up to my waist so I didn't fall over.

Realizing what just happened I tied to get myself off him; ignoring the light headed feeling and the tickle in my stomach. As I pulled myself off he quickly pushed one hand on my back so I was back on top of him and the other clutching at the back of my neck, pulling my down so that out lips connected.

I instantly kissed back the seconds his lips moved against mine, his thumb rubbing my haw as he did so.

"I knew you missed me" he said into the kiss,
"Of course I did"

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