Kian Lawley > Madison

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A cute silly imagine for Madi_xo_xoxo <3

"Kian can you pass me the flour" I said looking down at the instructions. Since when was making a cake so complicated.

"Why do you need so many eggs" I glanced over to the three cartons of eggs. We were filming a video and I wanted to make a huge cake. You know, like the giant Kit Kat bar Shane Dawson made but in cake form.

"You must be yoking" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned to him laughing in hysterics to his own horrible joke. Subtly I opened one of the cartons behind me and took out three eggs with one hand. "Kian?"

"Hmm-" I quickly tugged on his shirt and slapped the three eggs on his head. The egg yolk dripped down to inside his shirt. Eggcellent...

"Madison oh my God!" He yelled over my laughter. You could see the egg sticking under his shirt. HE looked ridiculous but cute at the same time.

 Suddenly I saw a cloud of white swallow me. "Kian!" I screeched when the flour cloud faded. Leaving me looking like a snowman.

"The flour really brings out your eyes" He said between laughs. I playfully glared at him and shook as much flour out my hair as possible. "Even Stevens?" he chuckled as he reached out his hand. I looked behind Kian to see a stick of butter laying on the counter, I smiled at the revenge thoughts popping into my mind.

I walked towards him, resting my hands on the counter he was leaning on. Quickly I grabbed the butter from behind me and split it in half. brought

"Baby" I leaned in closer to him. He puckered up his lips but instead of kissing back I brought the butter into sight and smeared it on his face. I giggled "You know this really brings out your eyes" he wriggled out of my trap. "Madison its so cold" he whined coming closer to me,

"Don't come any closer" I giggled before sprinting out of the kitchen. "Madi!" Kian laughed from behind me. I tried to run up the stairs but two strong arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up back towards the kitchen, "your gonna pay for that little missy" he chuckled throwing me over his shoulder.

"Kian don't you dar-" Soon the lower half of my body was submerged in cold water. I screamed slightly at the touch, "KIAN" I picked myself out the filled up sink and sat back on the counter. "Now I'm fucking wet" I whined looking over too Kian who was dying of laughter. His once white shirt now a buttery yellow. 

"Awe your wet for me" he winked. 
"Kian come here" I opened up my arms, he rushed over to me smiling but before he could wrap his arms around me I took the fossit off and turned it on at high speed. Blasting it at Kian. I laughed hysterically as he tried to doge my aim. "Madi turn it off". Slowly I turned it off. Enjoying every bit of blasting Kian with freezing cold water.

"Kian your a little wet" I smirked cockily before jumping off the counter and walking over to him. Swiftly he pinned me against the table and kissed me briefly on the lips. I chuckled,
"You still have a bit of egg on you" I said as picked a bit of shell from his dripping brown hair.

"I wonder how that got there" he smiled before resting his head in the crook of my neck. Kissing it slightly.

Hope you like it Madison xxx

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