Kian Lawley > Phonecall Part 1

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I sat up alarmed in bed now wide awake as the phone lying next to my ear started ringing as loud as possible. And no not just any ringtone but the purge ringtone. I sat there for a few moments with my hand placed over my heart, trying to calm my fast heat rate. I actually thought It was in the real purge.

After my heart attack I grabbed the cold silver phone and answered it without looking at the ID already knowing who it was.

"Dammit Y/F/N out of all the ringtones on the internet why did you choose that one?" I say as my eyes started to droop once again.

"Because it wakes you up"

"You gave me a damn heart attack!"

She chuckled and ignored my statement, "have you checked your twitter yet?"

"No because I'm sleeping like a normal person would do when it's the middle of the night" I rolled my eyes and put my phone on speaker, then rested my head down on my pillow with the phone next to me. God it's too early for this.

"KIAN LAWLEY IS COMING BACK TO VISIT" she screeched through the line. My eyes widened at his name.


Kian Lawley. My friend since highschool. Well ex friend.

I sat there in silence as I remembered the last few weeks I spent with him before the left.

You see me, Y/F/N and Kian were best friends. We did everything together from going on week long adventures across the state to watching movies all night long.

But me and Kian fell out.

It all started a few weeks before the huge argument that ruined out friendship.We started to have mini arguments and disagreements here and there about irrelevant things. This made it tense when ever we all hung out but it all went falling downhill on one specific day...

Three Years Ago

Me, Kian and Y/F/N were in a huge green field under a huge blossom tree. It was mid Spring and we all decided to get some air. I sat leaning against the bark engraving my name in the thick root that was on the surface. I looked up past the small pink flowers that fell gracefully of the tree and to Y/F/N and Kian who had their backs to me and were whispering something.

"Are you two alright?" I called over to them. They both turned around, Kian looked a little nervous. Somethings up.

"Y/N Kian has something to tell you" Y/F/N nudged Kian closet to me. I stood up, dropping the sharp twig I was using to engrave my name.

"What's up"
"Y/N" he took a deep breath and continued. "I'm leaving to go live with my friends"

I looked at him in shock and disbelief. "What? When are you leaving?"

"Tonight" my blood started to boil and my shock quickly escalated into anger.

"I've known for about a month" Y/F/N added in quietly.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME! WHY DID YOU LEAVE IT LAST FUCKING MINUTE" I glared at Kian as he walked further to me.



"FRIENDS DONT FUCKING ARGUE LIKE WE DO" he flailed his hands in the air. His face turned slightly redder but my expression softened at his words.
"What are you saying" I said quietly. He stayed silent and looked down to his shoes. Y/F/N was long gone so it was just the two of us. In a field having another one of our arguments.

"I cant do this" He gestured to me and him, I gave him a confused look
"Kian what's the matter with you, your acting like we're breaking up" I laughed nervously.
"Don't follow me Y/N, we're done" And with that he walked away into the depths of the fields.

.   .   .

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Y/F/N's voice snapped me back into reality.
"Why would you tell me his?"
"Cause its time you two made up"
"If he wanted to make up he would've called or texted. I mean he had three years to do it!" I snapped

"Y/N he does talk about you. He asks hoe your doing and stuff like that" she tried to reassure me,
"Yeh, but to you and not me. He keeps in touch with you and not me and that kinda makes me feel like crap. Was I that bad of a friend?" I started to doubt myself.

What if this is all my fault.

"Aye Y/N that's not true. Now don't worry about it. Just get your sleep" she beamed before hanging up the phone. I layed there for a few minutes.

"THANKS Y/F/N" I called through the wall. We have neighbouring apartments and coincidently her room is just a thin wall away. "GO TO SLEEP" she called back.

I tried to fall asleep but once again my phone started to ring. Without checking the ID I picked up the call.

"Y/F/N why are you calling me again. Your basically a wall away?"

"Um Y/N?" a male voice said through the line.
"Who is this?"

"Y/N you know who I am"
"No I don't. Who is this?"

"Kian. Kian Lawley" I froze for a few moments. Feeling he world slow down, what do I do?

"Look I don't know anyone called Kian. Sorry you got the wrong number" I quickly hung up and flopped back down. But the phone rung again. I tried to ignore it but the phone kept going.

I picked up the phone and stared at the ID name. I declined the call and checked his twitter.

@KianLawley: Going back to my hometown for a few. Need to make things right no matter what it takes

I rolled my eyes at his statement. My phone pinged saying that I was acknowledged in someone's tweet

@KianLawley: @Y/T/N you can't ignore me forever...

I glared at his comment. Does he have the actual nerve? I quickly tweeted back.

@Y/T/N: @KianLawley, funny since you've ignored me for the past three years...

The second I posted that my phone blew up with his fans retaliating against me or asking who I was. Then there was his youtuber friends trying to find out who I was. Great. Now Kian's dragged me into his mess. I put twitter on silent and closed my phone. Its definitely too early for this.

It only felt like a few seconds of sleep before their was a loud knocking at the door. All I want to do is sleep. I whined inside my head. 

I walked out my room in my black strappy vest, short white night shorts and messy night hair. Its probably Y/F/N so I don't need to cover up.

My eyes were closing slowly as I opened the door. "Y/F/N do you not sleep?" I rubbed my eyes and squinted at the dim light of the apartment block lights.

"Woah" a familiar voice whispered. I looked up and let my eyes adjust to the tall silhouette in front of me.


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