June 2016 Disclaimer Thingy

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Okay, first things first. Hi! Haven't seen your lovely faces in a while. How's things? Anything new?

Anyway during this month of June I will be fasting

(Yes I'm a Muslim and I hope that does not change your opinion of me and if it does. Well screw you because it shouldn't really matter)

So during this month of Ramadan I will still be posting as much as I can (I mean it this time) but I wont be typing anything vulgar or explicit because I cant swear during this month which by the way will be pretty hard for me and my dirty minded friends XD

I just wanted to post this so you're aware of it and... well... guess that's it.

OH, and I'll be posting later in the day.

Okay that's it, See ya later XxX

(By the way, does anyone else's wattpad keeps malfunctioning or is it just mine)

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